
Contributors and Support

Thanks and Gratitude

We wish to thank those that have helped us in the creation of this lab book and, life, in general.

Our most sincere gratitude to following A215 faculty for their guidance and input in the development of this lab book:  Benita Sabie, Nancy Warner, Ruth Schwartz, Joseph Angermeier, Carolyn Cooke, and Nathan Call.

Also, we wish to acknowledge the efforts of Jadawn Ross and Macy Schultz, former A215 Lab Assistants, and their work toward the creation of several lab photos that are included in the book.

In addition, our most sincere appreciation to Kirk Kimsey, videographer, who was instrumental in the creation and editing of many of  Teresa Gannon’s videos.  Thank you Kirk!

Very importantly, I would like to thank Teresa Gannon for contributing her expertise and knowledge to this project.  I will always value her friendship and the long hours that she dedicated to the creation of this lab book.

Lastly, I want to thank my family for their support and unending patience.

Kerry (husband), Brian and Jackie, Alex and Stephanie, Gretchen and Pryce, Heidi (kids, daughter-in-law and son-in-law) and, of course, our five grand babies, Jack, Layla, Bella Mae, Baer and Beau-Thank you for always being there for me and remember to always be humble and kind!       Love You Bigger Than The World-Michele (Mom)                                                                                    

I would like to thank my husband, Michael and my daughters Tamyra, Katherine, Elizabeth and Sarah for their support and patience during the completion of the lab e-book.  I would also like to thank my parents for their undying support and encouragement in all my life endeavors!  A special thanks to my sister Jamie and my niece Hannah for giving me space to work on the e-book while taking care of me as I recuperated from a total knee replacement.

Also, I would like to thank Michele Zimmerman for giving me this opportunity to co-write the lab book and for always being positive during each step of the process!  Her encouragement and appreciation made the long hours worthwhile!  Thank you so much!


A215 Basic Human Anatomy Laboratory Manual Copyright © by Michele Zimmerman and Teresa Gannon. All Rights Reserved.