
Organization of the Electronic Lab Book

Welcome to A215 Basic Human Anatomy!

We hope that you find the organization of the new lab book both useful and intuitive.  In this intro we will explain the features that you will consistently find in every chapter and provide recommendations to get the most from your studying.

Organization of the Electronic Lab Book

First, each lab practical is assigned its own chapter.  Each chapter contains all the information covered on that lab practical.  For example, the chapter titled, “Lab Practical 1” contains everything that you need to adequately prepare for this exam.

The lecture exams and lab exams will cover the same chapters.  For instance, Lecture Exam 1 covers Chapters 1,2,3, & 5.  Similarly, Lab Practical 1 covers the lab content for those same chapters.  The entire semester is organized in this fashion.


Each lab practical chapter includes videos and other resources to help you prepare for the lab practical.  What can you expect to find?

  • Dr. Gannon’s Videos-Dr. Teresa Gannon has created videos that are specifically tailored to the models used in the anatomy classroom. In the videos, Dr. Gannon provides students with a wonderful overview of each model and notes the structures that students should be able to identify on each model.  We encourage students to watch the videos multiple times and to make notes of the structures that Dr. Gannon covers.
  • Review Slides-Each chapter contains review slides. In general, these review slides are illustrations or photos of models, slides from a light microscope or dissected tissue from the anatomy lab.  The review slides include labels noting key structures that students should be able to identify on the lab practical.
  • Quick Checks-After viewing Dr. Gannon’s videos and a thorough study of the Review Slides, Quick Checks quizzes are provided to assess your knowledge of the material prior to taking the lab practical. Typically, a video will be linked to the Quick Check assessment, which will serve to reinforce the material learned prior to completing these forms of assessment.

Final Note

Preparing for a lab practical should never be a passive process.  What do we mean by that?  You must actively work with the material to adequately prepare for the lab practical.  We suggest redrawing the structures, rewriting your structure list, or talking to a friend or fellow classmate about the material.  Do not worry about how well you can draw or write.  That is not important.  What is essential is activating that part of your brain, which will allow you to actively learn the material so that you can be successful in the course.

Are you ready to get started?  We hope so and look forward to working together as we explore the amazing structures of the human body.



A215 Basic Human Anatomy Laboratory Manual Copyright © by Michele Zimmerman and Teresa Gannon. All Rights Reserved.