
Click to review the below policies related to financial sub-certification:

FIN-ACC-470: Internal Controls

Click the above link to review the Indiana University policy on internal controls. The objective of this policy is to establish best practices regarding internal controls at Indiana University. The university is required by Federal regulations, including Uniform Guidance and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), to maintain an effective internal control structure.

FIN-ACC-650: Financial Compliance: Authority and Accountability

Click the above link to review the Indiana University policy on fiscal compliance, authority, and accountability. This policy contains information about roles and responsibilities at Indiana University. In particular, this policy is focused on outlining the authority for the university’s external financial audits, fiscal internal controls, and related compliance. This policy outlines the delegation of financial policy, standards, transactions, systems, and reporting as it relates to external financial compliance for the university as a whole.


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