Other Related Materials

Click to review the below other materials related to accounts receivable:

AR Questionnaire (Request to use a non-KFS system)

Click the above link to be directed to AR Questionnaire on the UCO website. Fill out this questionnaire to request the ability to utilize an AR system outside of the Kuali Financial System (KFS) AR module. Completed questionnaires are stored in NSAR External Systems Questionnaire Admin Panel (NESA) application. Once the questionnaire is submitted, the Non-Student AR Manager completes an extensive review of the request and determines if the exception request is granted.

AR Object Code List

Click the above link to download an Excel list of appropriate accounts receivable object codes at IU. This list includes the object code description and a description of the use for each object code.

Support for Annual Write-Offs Template

Click the above link to download an Excel template to input supporting information for write-offs. This document should only be submitting to the Non-Student Accounts Receivable team if the invoice was not issued in the Kuali Financial System (KFS) Accounts Receivable module. Include the detailed substantiating information within KFS directly if the invoice originated in KFS.


Accounting for Assets Copyright © by The Trustees of Indiana University. All Rights Reserved.