
Click to review the below policies related to capital purchases and leases:

FIN-ACC-140: Off-Premise Capital Equipment Control

Click the above link to review the Indiana University policy on off-premise capital equipment control. This policy outlines the process when capital equipment is loaned out or returned to IU. The policy outlines the responsibilities of the lending unit and the borrower for loaned equipment. This policy helps ensure proper controls and responsibilities are in place for capital equipment removed from university premises for thirty-one days or more. Review this policy in full for details about the process surrounding off-premises capital equipment controls, the scope of the policy, reasoning for the policy, definitions for commonly used phrases related to this process, contacts to reach out to for further questions, and the history of this policy.

FIN-ACC-150: Ownership, Depreciation, and Capitalization of University Assets

Click the above link to review the Indiana University policy on the ownership, capitalization, and depreciation of any capital asset in the custody of Indiana University. This policy outlines the depreciation process for internal assets as well as the process to review ownership for capital assets at IU. This policy helps establish ownership guidelines for university capital assets in the custody of Indiana University, to define the capitalization criteria for the capital asset categories within the university, and to convey the method of depreciation used for capital assets. Review this policy in full for details about the process surrounding ownership, capitalization, and depreciation of capital assets, the scope of the policy, reasoning for the policy, definitions for commonly used phrases related to this process, contacts to reach out to for further questions, and the history of this policy.

FIN-GCA-70: Equipment Transfers

Click the above link to review the Indiana University policy on equipment transfers. This policy establishes protocols for equipment transfers out of the university. Review this policy in full for details about the process surrounding equipment transfers, the scope of the policy, reasoning for the policy, procedures, and the history of this policy.


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