

Click to review the below policies related to notes receivable:

FIN-ACC-350: Accrual Accounting

Click the above link to review the Indiana University policy on accrual accounting. This policy outlines accrual accounting, how this impacts departments at Indiana University, and clarifies which method of accounting is required by the AICPA Audit Guide.

FIN-ACC-500: Write-Off Accounts

Click the above link to review the Indiana University policy on write-off accounts. This policy outlines that accounts receivable balances over 12 months old lacking current productive activity are to be written-off. Debts may be written-off prior to 12 months if they are coded as deceased, bankrupt, or if collection efforts have been exhausted. It is encouraged that delinquent non-student accounts be turned over to external collection agencies after all collection efforts have been exhausted by the department and by any respective campus office charged with collecting delinquent accounts. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that uncollectible monies are written-off in a timely and expeditious fashion. This policy applies to all auxiliary enterprises, student, and non-student receivable accounts. This policy specifically excludes accounts being administered by the Student Loan Administration.

FIN-TRE-52: Establishing and Closing University Bank Accounts

Click the above link to review the Indiana University policy on establishing and closing university bank accounts. Please note that the opening or closing of any bank and other financial accounts, such as PayPal or other money transmitter and electronic commerce accounts, must be approved by the Office of the Treasurer prior to their establishment or closing. This policy is in place to ensure that all funds belonging to Indiana University are deposited in an Indiana University bank account. Review this policy in full for details about the process surrounding the setup and maintenance of IU bank accounts, the scope of the policy, reasoning for the policy, definitions for commonly used phrases related to this process, and the history of this policy.

FIN-TRE-81: Collection Agency Placement of Indiana University Accounts

Click the above link to review the Indiana University policy on the collection agency placement of Indiana University accounts. This policy outlines the authority and framework for assigning contracts with collection agencies, provides procedures and reasoning for this policy, and contains definitions related to collection agency agreements. This policy applies to all IU units and employees. Review this policy in full as compliance with this policy helps ensure that all university units desiring collection agencies to assist them with delinquency recovery receive the most economic rates possible and ensures that Indiana University will affiliate itself with agencies that have properly trained staff, adequate liability insurance, adequate bonding, and demonstrated collection performance.

FIN-TRE-110: Accepting Electronic Payments

Click the above link to review the Indiana University policy on accepting electronic payments. This policy provides the necessary guidance to ensure that the university takes advantage of the opportunities electronic payments present while meeting the regulatory requirements, operational challenges, internal controls, and security responsibilities associated with accepting payments electronically. Review this policy for information about the procedures around accepting and processing electronic payments, definitions for common terms surrounding electronic payments, and for information about how this policy impacts different units and employees at IU.


Accounting for Assets Copyright © by The Trustees of Indiana University. All Rights Reserved.

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