
Training Materials

Click to review the below training materials related to cash:

Check Request Essentials Training

Click the above link to navigate to the Indiana University check request essentials training course. This course will discuss when to utilize the check request form, how to complete the form appropriately, and how to locate payment details.

Payments in Foreign Currency Training

Click the above link to navigate to the Indiana University payments in foreign currency training course. This course will provide information on how to properly enter BUY.IU orders involving foreign currency payments. This course will provide instructions and examples on how to enter a foreign currency order in BUY.IU, how to review a foreign supplier invoice, and how to locate pending requisitions in BUY.IU.

Stop Payments Training

Click the above link to navigate to a list of training documents and videos related to stop payments. The list includes instructions on when to request a stop payment, the definition of a stop payment, a step-by-step guide on successfully completing a stop payment form, and how to track a stop payment form after the form has been submitted.


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