This seven-item survey is designed for event participants to be administered as a retrospective post-pre-post test, and as a six-month follow-up. For the retrospective pre-test, participants will be asked to think back to before the event and rate their agreement. For the post-test and six-month follow-up, they will rate their current level of agreement. This measure includes items related to the ACE event, social marketing campaign recognition, call to action, and impact on intention to use substances. This survey is to be done using a Likert Scale.
Instructions: Please rate your level of agreement with each statement on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 = Strongly Disagree and 5 = Strongly Agree.
- I am aware of substance-free activities available in my community.
- I believe that substance-free activities can be fun and engaging.
- I feel confident in my ability to resist peer pressure to use substances.
- I intend to participate in substance-free activities in the future.
- I recognize the [Insert Campaign Name] social marketing campaign messages.
- The [Insert Campaign Name] campaign motivates me to choose substance-free activities.
- I do not intend to use alcohol or other substances in the next 6 months.
- How many ACE events have you attended in the past [insert timeframe]? 0 | 1-2 | 3-4 | 5 or more
- How likely are you to recommend ACE events to your friends? (Scale of 1-10, where 1 = Not at all likely and 10 = Extremely likely)
- What actions have you taken as a result of the [Insert Campaign Name] campaign? (Check all that apply)
- Attended an ACE event
- Shared campaign information with friends or family
- Followed ACE social media accounts
- Volunteered for an ACE event
- Other (please specify): _______________
- In your own words, how has participating in ACE events influenced your attitudes or behaviors regarding substance use?
Administering the Measure:
- Retrospective pre- and post-test: Administered immediately after the participant’s first ACE event, asking them to recall their attitudes and intentions before attending, and assessing their current attitudes and intentions post event.
- Six-month Follow-up: Administered six months after the participant’s first ACE event, assessing longer-term impact and behavior change.
- This measure addresses several key components of the ACE program and its logic model:
- Items 1-2 assess awareness and attitudes towards substance-free activities (short-term outcomes)
- Item 3 measures confidence in peer resistance skills (intermediate outcome)
- Items 4 and 7 assess intention to engage in substance-free activities and avoid substance use (intermediate outcomes)
- Items 5-6 evaluate the recognition and impact of the social marketing campaign (outputs and short-term outcomes)
Additional questions in the post-test and follow-up assess behavioral changes, engagement with the program, and qualitative impacts (intermediate and long-term outcomes). By administering this measure at three time points, program evaluators can track changes in participants’ awareness, attitudes, intentions, and behaviors over time. This data can be used to assess the effectiveness of both the ACE events and the associated social marketing campaign, as well as to identify areas for program improvement.