Small to Medium Events:
- Ice Skating
- Roller Skating
- Rock Climbing
- Movies
- Ice Cream Shop
- Holiday Gatherings
- Karaoke
- Hiking
- Fishing
- Trivia Nights
- Baking/Cooking Class
- Post-game Activity
- Board Game Night
- Swimming
- Coffee House
- Bounce Houses
- Sidewalk Chalk Party
Larger Events
- Combining two or more smaller events to increase participation.
- Line dancing across the ages (older adults and youth combined)
- Carnival
- Excursion (trip to zoo, fishing trips …)
- Variety or Talent Show
- Student film festival (Topic to match strategy objective)
- SA Tailgate party (with and without the sporting event)
- Holiday Events (Harvest Party, Holiday Party)
Prosocial Events:
- Nursing Home/Assisted living visits/activities
- Creations (art, holiday ornaments) to share with individuals or groups
- Assist within non-profit organizations
- Recreational team building activities
- Engaging younger children
- Trash Pick-up/Neighborhood Clean-up
- Sidewalk Chalk Party (with positive messaging)
- Learning new skills (robotics, scouts, art, chess, cooking/baking)
- Community event support
- Holiday Gatherings/Make an ornament