
For the ACE Stakeholder and Partner Assessment Measure, please choose ten, no more than twelve questions. The following is a 20-item measure designed for initial stakeholder and partner assessment to determine the scope of need, focus of the ACE strategy, and other elements linked to the logic model. This assessment is measured on a Likert Scale.

Survey instructions: Please rate your level of agreement with each statement on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 = Strongly Disagree and 5 = Strongly Agree.

  1. Our community has a significant substance use problem among youth.
  2. There is a lack of substance-free activities for youth in our community.
  3. Existing substance-free activities are not appealing to youth.
  4. Community members are aware of the negative impacts of substance use on youth.
  5. There is strong community support for substance abuse prevention efforts.
  6. Local organizations are willing to collaborate on substance abuse prevention initiatives.
  7. Youth in our community have opportunities to be involved in decision-making processes.
  8. Our community has adequate resources to implement substance-free alternative events.
  9. There is a need for improved social skills and pro-social behaviors among youth.
  10. The community would benefit from increased youth leadership opportunities.
  11. Substance use is often perceived as a normal part of youth culture in our community.
  12. There is a need for better peer resistance skills among youth.
  13. Parents and guardians are actively involved in substance abuse prevention efforts.
  14. Our community has strong partnerships between schools, law enforcement, and community organizations.
  15. There is a need for more education about substance-free alternatives in our community.
  16. The community would benefit from a cultural shift towards valuing substance-free lifestyles.
  17. Local businesses are willing to support substance-free youth events.
  18. There is a need for improved evaluation of substance abuse prevention efforts in our community.
  19. Our community has the capacity to sustain long-term substance abuse prevention programs.
  20. There is a need for a comprehensive, year-round strategy for substance-free alternative events.
Open-ended questions:
  1. What do you believe are the most pressing substance use issues facing youth in our community?
  2. What types of substance-free activities do you think would be most appealing to youth in our community?
  3. How can we best engage youth in the planning and implementation of substance-free alternative events?
  4. What potential barriers do you foresee in implementing a comprehensive ACE strategy in our community?
  5. How can we measure the success of ACE initiatives in our community?
This measure addresses various aspects of the ACE logic model (see below), including:
  • Inputs: Questions about community resources, partnerships, and capacity (e.g., 8, 14, 17, 19)
  • Activities: Questions about youth involvement and strategy development (e.g., 7, 20, 23)
  • Outputs: Questions about event implementation and youth leadership (e.g., 2, 3, 10)
  • Short-term Outcomes: Questions about knowledge, attitudes, and skills (e.g., 4, 9, 15)
  • Intermediate Outcomes: Questions about intention to use substances and peer resistance (e.g., 11, 12)
  • Long-term Outcomes: Questions about community health and cultural shifts (e.g., 16, 18)

The open-ended questions provide an opportunity for stakeholders to offer more detailed insights and suggestions, which can be valuable for tailoring the ACE strategy to the specific needs and context of the community. This measure can be administered to a diverse group of stakeholders, including community leaders, educators, youth advocates, parents, and youth themselves, to gain a comprehensive understanding of the community’s needs and readiness for ACE implementation.




Short-Term Outcomes

(Changes in beliefs, attitudes, skills and knowledge)

Intermediate Outcomes

(Risk, protective factors and developmental assets)

Long-Term Outcomes

Strategy Implementation and Strategy Development Guidance

Program developer and prevention TA specialist consultation

Community organizers, and priority population advocates feedback and engagement.

Community resources and partnerships

Funding for events and activities



Planning and development of year-long alternative events calendar

Stakeholder engagement and priority population involvement in decision-making implementation of events and activities.

Vetted branding and promotion of Alternative Events

Ongoing monitoring and evaluation of activities and strategy refinement based on formative evaluation, process outcomes, and participant and stakeholder feedback

Regular/monthly alternative events and activities

Increase community awareness of the strategy

Social Marketing and promotion implementation

Higher participation rates in substance-free activities

Stronger and more diverse community partners

Community mobilization, capacity, and leadership development


Increase knowledge about Alternative Events

Improved attitudes toward substance-free choices

Enhanced social skills and pro-social behaviors

Increased sense of community belonging

Increased knowledge of Social Development Strategy elements relevant across domains

Reduced intention to use substances

Increased participation in ongoing substance-free activities

Improved peer resistance skills

Enhanced community engagement and support for Alternative Events

Reduced substance use rates in the community

Sustained engagement in pro-social activities

Improved overall community health and well-being

Cultural shift in local norms towards valuing substance-free lifestyles


Healthier, substance-free communities

Reduced societal costs associated with substance abuse

Improved quality of life community members


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This work (ACE Framework 2.0 by Indiana University, Prevention Insights) is free of known copyright restrictions.