Credit Cards, Debit Cards, and ATMs

Using Credit Cards and Debit Cards in ATMs

A generally reliable way to get money from the U.S. is to use a debit/ATM card with a VISA logo. It is also possible to withdraw cash using your VISA or MasterCard credit card; however, credit card companies often charge very high interest rates for “cash advances”. IT IS IN YOUR BEST INTEREST TO FIND OUT WHAT THE FEES FOR CASH ADVANCES ARE BEFORE YOU LEAVE THE STATES. Using a debit card that withdraws directly from your checking account in the U.S. will likely avoid these fees. Whether you use a credit card or debit card, you will likely be charged international transaction fees.

Machines that accept CIRRUS are more common than those that accept PLUS debit cards (see the back of your card for the CIRRUS logo). VISA is accepted in more places than AMERICAN EXPRESS or MASTERCARD.

Before you leave for France, notify your bank/credit card company of the dates that you will be abroad. In trying to curtail fraud, banks will often cancel debit/credit cards when they suspect any unusual card activity (e.g., a resident of the Midwest who suddenly makes a purchase in France). Also, make sure the card you are bringing has been used in the US at least once.

If you charge purchases to your card, you will get a slightly better exchange rate than you will get at French banks, though do not forget about the international fees that will likely be added on top of the better exchange rate. An example with IUCU is that the exchange rate will be very competitive and then a 1% “cross-border fee” will be charged. It is better than getting euros in cash from the bank, but by converting your dollars into Euros using a card like Revolut, you avoid the fees altogether. Groceries, personal items, clothes, train tickets, and many other items can be purchased with a card, though some stores may have a policy of accepting it only for purchases above a certain amount.

You should never type your PIN number when a third party can see it. It is better to lose your card, which can easily be canceled than to reveal your PIN number to a stranger.


Aix-en-Provence 2024-2025 Handbook Copyright © by amarosha. All Rights Reserved.

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