

  • Faculty Innovator: Susan Popham was featured in a recent NOW.ius story ⬈. As associate professor of English (composition) and writing concentration coordinator teaching this foundational course, she knows that writing is tougher for some than others. Getting and keeping a student’s attention is just the first step. Therefore, like an academic McGyver, she fashions a variety of tools to ignite her students’ curiosity in pursuit of that quasi-magical phenomenon, engagement.
  • Congratulations to the winners of the Common Experience Creativity Competition:
    First Place: Ellis Sigafoos – “Sunday Dirge” (writing)
    Second Place: Krista Estep – “Little Things” (visual art)
    Third Place: Anthony Sego – “Stand Tall” (visual art)

      Honorable Mentions:
    • Savannah Schroering: “Open Your Mind” (visual art)
    • Rachel Wood: “Healing from Perfectionism” (writing)
    • Eliza Van Tyle: “Angels among Civilians” (writing)
    • Anne Marie Herrera: “Thoughts and Prayers” (visual art)
    FYS Student Winner: Krista Estep “Little Things” (visual art)

    The winners of the writing contest and creativity competition were celebrated on April 11 at the English-Common Experience Gala. This year is the first year the English program hosted its annual Gala in conjunction with Common Experience.

English Alumni

  • John Boyle, English 2016, after traveling to New York City and working in publication for several years after graduating recently moved back to the area to work for the New Albany-Jeff News-Tribune. He is now the Indiana Bureau correspondent for the Public Radio Partnership in Louisville who regularly reports on 89.3 FM.
  • Gerry Griffith, BA English/Writing 2016, attended law school at Michigan State and is now a corporate finance lawyer in Kansas City.
  • Tabitha Vincent, BSED Secondary Education Language Arts 2017, teaches at New Albany High School and is now in the position of mentoring IU Southeast student teachers.
  • Katie Molck, BA English Lit and Writing 2015, is an editor at LOUToday, and online/email magazine/events calendar.
  • Brett Blevins, English, 2019, earned his MA in medieval studies from the University of Western Michigan and is now teaching as an adjunct for the English department at IU Southeast.

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