A Message from Jim Hesselman, Dean of Arts & Letters

Photo of Jim Hesselman
Jim Hesselman

Message dated May 6 to the IU Southeast graduating class of 2022:

With Commencement coming up along with all of the celebrations surrounding this wonderful achievement, I started thinking about last times.

I have always been fascinated by how most of these experiences, momentous or not, only occur to us as “last time” upon reflection and not as the event occurs. I choose to believe this is by design in order to save us from constant sorrow, sadness, and regret 😃.

Nevertheless, it still makes me question and wonder. When was the last time I kissed my parents goodnight? The last time I played canasta with my grandmother? The last time I picked apples from that incredible sweet McIntosh tree that is no longer there…

These were all simple things I had done dozens of times and that I assumed I would do again, and yet that was not to be.

The IU Southeast experiences you had with our faculty, staff, and your fellow students will be with you for the rest of your lives. Hopefully you have been inspired to be life-long learners, so that will continue as well. But many specific events, the classes, the groups you’ve belonged to will not be a part of your everyday lives anymore, and that is going to be an adjustment.

It is also a gift. It is a gift to realize in real time that the things that were so much a part of your lives are ending and transitioning. A gift because you get to take a moment to reflect, to appreciate, and to move on to new adventures and opportunities with the knowledge that your accomplishments have led you here and will keep leading you to new and exciting adventures the rest of your lives.

Jim Hesselman signature

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