Fine Arts

  • The Barr Gallery reopened on August 23 with an exhibition “Emergence”. The exhibition contained selected works by fifteen 2020 and 2021 Studio Arts BFA alumni who were prevented from exhibiting their thesis art due to pandemic restrictions. Read more about it.

Photo of artwork

  • Professor Debra Clem, Head of Painting at IU Southeast is featured in a solo exhibition, Surface and Illusion at the Carnegie Center for Art and History. The exhibition’s opening reception was held on Thursday October 28, 2021 with the exhibition closing on January 22, 2022. Featured were eighteen recent paintings and pastels of her perceived environment. Professor Clem’s exhibition information was also featured in the October 27 issue of LEO Weekly under “Staff Picks”. See more details on Facebook, on the Carnegie Center’s website, or read the NOW story.
  • The upper level drawing and painting students were featured in an off-campus exhibition at the Logan Street Market Gallery as part of their “Logan Under Lights”. Opening reception was held on October 9. The exhibition was open for a month. Read more about it.

Photo of students at the Logan Street Market Gallery
  • Dr. Anne Allen guest-edited Pacific Arts Vol 21, no. 1. The publication can be read at
  • Adjunct Lecturer, Sydney Ewerth had her works featured at the Barr Gallery October 4 – November 4. The Sticks & Bones // Ghost of All Kinds exhibit’s reception was held on November 4.

Photos from Sydney Ewerth's exhibit

  • The Annual Juried Fine Arts Student Exhibition opened with a reception on December 2 in the Barr Gallery. The exhibition was open through January 14, 2022.
  • The Dirt Bags held a Holiday Art Sale on December 1st and 2nd. Proceeds support student art activities, conference travel, and art club programming. The sale included ceramics, prints, and other art media. The financial support from this sale is, as always, appreciated!

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