Faculty Achievements
IU’s New President-Elect Visits Campus
Indiana University President-Elect Pamela Whitten visited the IU Southeast campus on April 27. The School of Arts and Letters highlighted what is being done to keep the school’s applied students working and creating and highlighted their accomplishments this semester. Read the IUS NOW story.
Trustees Teaching Awards
Each year, the Improvement of Learning Committee makes recommendations for the IU Trustees Teaching Awards. The IU Trustees request applications from outstanding faculty in the hopes of rewarding colleagues who excel. Evaluations of these applications are done based on teaching goals/learning outcomes, evidence of student learning and teaching effectiveness, modifications stemming from reflections of the evidence, professional development, and how effective a catalyst/leader for enhancement of teaching and learning the faculty are by things such as facilitation of student learning outside the classroom. The Trustees have policies that determine the number of faculty members who can receive an award in a given year and the amount to be given to each winner. Their contributions to excellence in teaching and learning at IU Southeast is greatly appreciated!
Congratulations to the following Arts and Letters faculty who received Trustees Teaching Awards for the calendar year 2020:
Tenure Track Faculty:
Samantha Earley, Arts & Letters
Barbara Kutis, Arts & Letters
Rebekah Dement, Arts & Letters
Amy Zink, Arts & Letters