A Message from Jim Hesselman, Dean of Arts & Letters

Photo of Jim Hesselman
Jim Hesselman

In the last few newsletters, I have covered everything from civil and clear communication to diversity and inclusion to “truth”.

So – my work is complete – our problems are all solved and the world is at peace again . . .

My nephew, who is at the stage in his life (19) of being scared about the “monumental, life-affecting” decisions he has been making in terms of career, schooling, where to settle down, relationships, etc. asked me for my advice in those areas.

I told him that the only wisdom I could impart is to keep moving forward. Like a pinball machine (him being the ball), the only real mistake is to sit waiting to be launched. I said that once he gets out there in the game he WILL hit walls, he WILL fall into holes and be spit out again, he WILL get bounced back and forth between opposing forces, and he WILL get dizzy, frustrated and confused. But along the way he will also ring a few bells, spin a few arrows, and then be able to take breaks and retreat to a safe place before going at it all again.

But in the meantime, he will also have racked up a few points on the board.

To me that is all we can be expected to do – launch ourselves into the game (not foolishly, and as prepared as possible to make good decisions) but always moving forward, taking the positive out of difficult experiences and change and trying to leave behind the negative without resentment or planned future revenge. And realizing that the “score” we leave behind is not ours individually, but a group score. One that everyone contributes to. We cannot beat the game by ourselves.

Pollyanna will leave you all with that . . . for those of you who can, please find time for yourselves, your loved ones, and for peace, fun, and reflection because the game never sleeps!!!

Jim Hesselman signature

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