Faculty News

Welcome New Staff

  • Photo of Molly Baugh
    Dr. Molly Baugh

    Dr. Molly Baugh has joined the IU Southeast Music Department as an Assistant Professor of Music Education and Instrumental Music. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in the music education program and is the associate conductor of the Indiana University Southeast Orchestra. She holds a Ph.D. in music education from the University of Michigan and master’s and bachelor’s degrees in music education from the University of Oklahoma.

    Dr. Baugh’s research interests include auditory-motor integration in string performance, the roles of cooperating teachers in the student- teacher experience, and program evaluation. She has presented her research at the National Association for Music Education Research and Teacher Education Conference, the Big Ten Academic Alliance Music Education Conference, and the Michigan Music Conference.

    An active clinician and conductor, Dr. Baugh has worked with middle and high school orchestras in Michigan, Oklahoma, and Texas. Dedicated to supporting classroom teachers, she has presented sessions on string pedagogy, rehearsal techniques, and music theory pedagogy at the annual conferences of the National Association for Music Education, American String Teachers Association, the Michigan Music Conference, and the Oklahoma Music Educators Association.

    Prior to joining the faculty at IU Southeast, Dr. Baugh taught elementary, middle, and high school orchestras for 13 years in Oklahoma and Texas. When not following academic pursuits, she enjoys running and drinking loose leaf tea.

  • Photo of Charles Nasby
    Charles Nasby

    Charles A. Nasby is the new Technical Director for the Theatre department as well as the Paul W. Ogle Cultural and Community Center at IU Southeast. He received his BFA in design and production from the University of Louisville Theatre Arts department and is currently a graduate student in the Master of Arts/Science in Interdisciplinary Studies: Concentration in Sustainability Degree Program.

    Charles has worked as a set designer, technical director, production designer, lighting designer, prop designer, director, puppeteer, and as an actor for numerous productions across the globe including Kentucky Shakespeare, Stage One Family Theatre, Bunbury Theatre, The Liminal Playhouse, Beijing Foreign Studies University- China, Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts- Singapore, São Paulo State University (UNESP) — Brazil.

    Charles is also the creator of Nstages and Rymes4AReason, a sustainable theatre initiative that has manifested from years of learning, designing/building, and teaching in and outside the theatre. The goal of Nstages and Rhymes4AReason is to restore, reestablish, and/or change spaces into art/culture/museums/ theatrical performance spaces. Whether it is designing or performing, through his sustainable theatre initiative, and international cultural exchange, public and political transformation can occur. With community engagement and participation of volunteers, positive change will become contagious once this universal collaboration is witnessed and the goals are achieved.


Photo of John "Jack" Ramey
Dr. John “Jack” Ramey

Congratulations to Professor John “Jack” Ramey, who retired in July after fourteen years in the IU Southeast English program. He will be greatly missed and we thank him for all of his years of service to this school and to our campus.

Jack is a poet, author, performer, and former chair of the English Department where he taught creative writing and literature. His documentary Ecstasy & Death: Keats and Shelley in Rome was accepted for and the Roma Cinema Doc film festival and the Rome International Movie Awards. His poetry books include The Future Past, Death Sings in the Choir of Light, and Eavesdropping in Plato’s Café. His historical fiction, Turtle Island: A Dream of Peace, tells the story of the founding of the Iroquois Confederacy, which was the first democracy on the American continent. His documentary, William Blake: Inspiration and Vision, won an Aegis award for best educational film. His one-person show Dark Is a Long Way: An Evening with Dylan Thomas ran for two years at the 13th Street Theater in NYC, at the Odyssey Theater in LA, and toured the country. He frequently posts poems, videos, and audios for Springwood Press.

Birth Announcement

Photo of June Belle Carbonneau-Harper
June Belle Carbonneau-Harper

Meet the newest member of the extended A&L family. June Belle Carbonneau-Harper was born on June 30th, 2020. She came into the world weighing 9 lbs. 3 oz. June and mom and dad are doing well. Congratulations to Tiffany Carbonneau and Brian Harper!


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