
Safety and Sexual Assault Information

Cultural and social attitudes toward sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape and sexual assault victims, vary greatly in different countries. Be aware of potential differences in Kenya, and take safety precautions at all times.


In the event you, or someone you care about, experience relationship or sexual harassment/violence while abroad, you are strongly encouraged to seek the support of your onsite team leader, staff or affiliate. Seek safety first, then consider notifying your local contact and getting medical attention.

Indiana University is committed to leading the fight against sexual violence in compliance with Title IX. Reporting the incident to law or university officials is completely up to you. Understanding that reporting is an intensely personal process, the university respects your right to decide whether or not to report.

General Safety Tips  

We encourage you to protect yourself and others whenever possible. Understand that no matter how safe or unsafe you are, sexual violence is not your fault.

Taking these actions may increase your safety and the safety of others:

  • Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Listen to your intuition. If you feel like something is wrong, it probably is. Try to get out of the situation.
  • Don’t be afraid to make a scene and yell, scream, or run for protection.  Some people’s physiological response may not be to fight; if that is the case, if possible, ask to use the restroom or cause a distraction.
  • Remember, alcohol and drugs can impair perceptions of and reactions to situations. Be especially careful when you drink, and when you’re with someone who has been drinking.  Remember that someone who is intoxicated cannot give consent by IU’s definition.  If you aren’t sure you have a “yes,” then try and remove your friend from the situation and don’t engage in sexual activity.
  • Watch your beverage at all times. Date rape drugs are tasteless, colorless, and odorless.  People often don’t know they have ingested these drugs until the effects are well under way.
  • Go with a group of friends when you go out to a party or to a bar and look out for each other.


AMPATH Kenya Logistics & Travel Manual Copyright © by Indiana University/AMPATH. All Rights Reserved.