
AMPATH Consortium

The AMPATH Consortium is currently an international network of sixteen universities and academic health centers (AHC) led by Indiana University. The Consortium aims to foster long-term, equitable partnerships with academic health centers and universities in host countries. Each institution brings their own perspective and provides its own opportunities for medical trainee exchange programs and hands-on education.

While the AMPATH Consortium currently consists of AHCs and universities in high-income countries, the Consortium welcomes participation and membership of AHCs and universities in low- and middle-income countries.

Current AMPATH Consortium partner areas of engagement in AMPATH are as follows:

Member Institution

Primary Areas of Engagement with AMPATH Kenya ​ (unless otherwise noted)

All institutions participate across the trifold mission of clinical care, research, and the bilateral educational exchange. Participation and leadership in some fields is dynamic with significant overlap and collaboration.

Brown University

Biostatistics*, Dermatology, Family Medicine*, Gynecology-Oncology, Nephrology, Psychiatry*, Pulmonary, Emergency Medicine, HIV/Infectious Disease

Duke University

Cardiology*, Infectious Disease, Neurology, Nursing, Public Health, Pulmonary/Critical Care

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

Adolescent Health*, Palliative Care, Consortium Lead for AMPATH Nepal

Indiana University

Administrative leadership, Anesthesiology*, Dermatology*, ENT*, Hematology-Oncology*, Infectious Disease*, Informatics*, Internal Medicine*, Nephrology*, Nursing*, Palliative Care*, Pediatrics*, Public Health, Reproductive Health, Surgery*, Radiology*, Neurology*, Plastic Surgery*, CT Surgery*

Kaiser Permanente School of Medicine

Neurology and in Mexico-Health System and Population Health

Linköping University

Physical therapy, Undergraduate Medical Education*

New York University

Biostatistics, Cardiovascular Health, Radiology, Consortium Lead for AMPATH Ghana

Purdue University

Agriculture*, Engineering*, Pharmacy*

Stanford University

Family Medicine

Temple University

AMPATH Ghana – Surgery* and Pharmacy*

University of Alberta

ENT, Plastic Surgery

University of Louisville

AMPATH Ghana – Pediatrics*

University of California San Francisco

Dermatology, Radiology

University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School

Neurology, Nursing, Pediatrics,  Consortium Lead for AMPATH Mexico

University of Toronto

Adolescent Health, Public Health, Reproductive Health*

University of Virginia

Architecture, Emergency Medicine*, Engineering, Legal

* Lead anchor institution. Anchoring departments lead AMPATH efforts in conjunction with in-country partners.


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