
Replicating the AMPATH Model

AMPATH “leads with care” by holding itself accountable to the health of the community. We began replicating the AMPATH partnership model in 2020 to share lessons learned in Kenya to promote sustainable health systems development in new settings around the globe. Replicating AMPATH in new locations expands the multi-directional benefit received by partner institutions as additional learning platforms will be available to train more future and current healthcare leaders. Additionally, lessons learned from projects implemented in low resource environments through AMPATH can then be utilized to innovate health care systems and improve health around the world. AMPATH is currently in the process of replicating the model in new partnerships in Ghana, Mexico, and Nepal.

What is an AMPATH replication?

  • A new cross-cultural partnership between an academic institution that is a member of the AMPATH Consortium in collaboration with an in-country academic institution and their public health systems that replicates the values, principles and fundamental framework of AMPATH Kenya (the IU, Moi and MTRH partnership).
  • Each AMPATH partnership works with the in-country’s Ministry of Health (or equivalent) to:
    • improve health and the systems that support it for a previously defined population within a specified geographic area;
    • strengthen and develop human capacity through training and education;
    • mutually strengthen collaborating institutions; and
    • inform national health policy and develop innovations that can be applied around the world.
  • One AMPATH Consortium member institution serves as the AMPATH Consortium’s “anchor” institution in every new location, in a manner similar to the role played by Indiana University in Kenya.

What is the structure of AMPATH in-country teams?

  • The anchor partner procures formal Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) with the  Ministry of Health and academic health center (university and teaching hospital) to work cooperatively to improve all levels of the health care delivery system, from tertiary care facilities to community-based and home-based outreach and service. 
  • A core team from the anchor institution lives in country and functions as members of the in-country academic health center.
  • The core team members serve for a minimum of one year, represents his/her home university, works in a counterpart relationship with a faculty member at the in-country partnering academic health center, and answers to the respective head of department in his/her discipline at the in-country academic health center.
  • Collectively, the AMPATH Consortium anchor team is responsible for the tripartite academic mission, serving the needs and goals of the partner’s academic health center. Together they aim to support an integrated health care system that hosts research and medical education/training, and meets the challenges posed by the acute and chronic diseases that afflict the population. 

What are the goals of the AMPATH partnerships?

  • The following sections provide brief descriptions of each of the three newest AMPATH partnerships along with the list of their current priorities.


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