AMPATH Consortium Education
Kenya Rotations
- Four IUSM residents (three pediatrics and one internal medicine), one UVA emergency medicine resident, and four University of Texas residents (two psychiatry and two neurology) are currently in Eldoret completing rotations at MTRH.
- Rotation schedules are currently being finalized for sixteen IUSM residents in medicine, medicine-pediatrics, pediatrics, OB/GYN, general surgery and family medicine who plan to rotate in Kenya during the next academic year.
- If your institution plans to send trainees to Kenya during this or the next academic year, please contact Victoria Eder (vneder@iu.edu) to confirm ward and IU House availability.
Moi Registrar Rotations in NA/EU
- Seven registrars are currently scheduled to complete rotations at consortium institutions this calendar year: five medicine registrars to Duke, IU, and Brown; one surgery registrar to IU; and one pediatric registrar to IU. Rotation focuses for the medicine and pediatrics registrars include nephrology, pulmonology, and critical care/ICU. Focuses for the surgery registrar include plastic and general surgery.
- With the AMPATH commitment to reciprocity, if your institution plans to send trainees to Kenya during this or the next academic year, please contact Victoria Eder (vneder@iu.edu) with your institution’s number of available rotation spots for Moi Registrars and/or your plan for when you expect to be able to host registrars.
Global Health Residency Track
- The next quarterly conference for the Global Health Residency Track is scheduled for May 11, 2023.
AMPATH Consortium
- Six IUSM, seven Linköping, seven Purdue Pharmacy, and four University of Texas students are currently completing or have recently completed rotations at MTRH.
- An orientation for the 24 IUSM students registered for the 2023-2024 Medicine in Kenya elective was held on April 6.
- If your institution plans to send trainees to Kenya during the next academic year, please contact Victoria Eder (vneder@iu.edu) to confirm ward and IU House availability.
Moi Medical Student Rotations in NA/EU
- All but two of the 14 Moi medical students selected for rotations at North American AMPATH consortium institutions (IU, Duke University, Brown University, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, and University of Texas) have received their passports. The students will be submitting their visa applications in the next 1- 2 weeks.
- A meeting to discuss logistics for the Moi student rotations will be held with the above institutions on April 27.
Slemenda Scholars
- Kenya program dates for this year’s Slemenda Scholars (Noor Abdullah, Geneva Baumberger, Kaitlyn Roberts, and Lauren Roop) are May 31-July 25. The students will experience AMPATH by participating in rounds, collaborating on projects and working alongside Moi University medical students. Upon returning from Kenya, the students will present their work at IMPRS Scholars Day on July 28.
Global Health Scholars Day
- Global Health Scholars Day, on Friday, May 12, will include a global health focused edition of Internal Medicine Global Health Grand Rounds presented by Dr. Roger Glass, poster presentations and the opportunity for those interested in global health throughout the university to network and share information.
- The AMPATH Education Strategic Planning Replication Committee continues to meet on a monthly basis to build connections and assist each other in the AMPATH replication process. This month’s meeting included a discussion on and presentation by Cody Mullen, PhD, on community health workers. A growing repository of education/orientation materials is being aggregated in an AMPATH Consortium SharePoint folder.
AMPATH Consortium Research
Submitted by: Kara Wools-Kaloustian, Michael Scanlon, and Whitney Turientine
Important Reminder: Completing the Non-Clinical Trainee Registration Form Ahead of Traveling to Kenya
Concerns: There has been an increase in the number of trainees/students arriving to Eldoret with plans to participate in research activities without completing the required Non-Clinical Trainee Registration form completing it very late, per the International Trainees Engaging SOP.
- Background: The purpose of the Non-Clinical Trainee Registration form is to ensure that international trainees engaging in research activities:
- are able to participate in safe and collaborative research that provides mutual benefit to the trainees and the people of Kenya;
- have appropriate faculty oversight and support for proposed research activities; and
- adhere to AMPATH Kenya’s requirements for conducting research.
- >>> Action item: As consortium partners it is your responsibility to ensure that all trainees, students, fellows and residents form your institution that plan to participate in research activities in AMPATH Kenya complete the Non-Clinical Trainee Registration form embedded within the Visitor form at least two weeks prior to traveling to Kenya.
- Those without completed forms and correctly identified research mentors, Kenyan mentors and onsite coordinators may be prohibited from research activities during their stay. If you have any questions, please reach out to the AMPATH Kenya Research Program Office (RPO) directly (research.manager@iukenya.org).
- Moi University School of Dentistry – Interest in Research Collaboration
- There is growing interest among Moi University School of Dentistry faculty in collaborating in a research capacity with partners across the consortium. To this end, RPO is working to make meaningful connections across current working groups, projects and the consortium at-large.
- >>>Action item: If you, or someone on your research team, are interested in connecting, please reach out to RPO at research.manager@iukenya.org.
- AMPATH Kenya a Host Site for Global Health e-Learning Course
- AMPATH Kenya is a host site for a global health e-learning course offered by The University of Washington titled “Fundamentals of Global Health Research.” The course is sponsored by RPO and runs from April 10 – June 18. Participants include AMPATH-affiliated faculty, research coordinators and other research staff based in Kenya.
- The AMPATH Kenya Research Program Office’s July – December 2022 Semi-Annual Report is Available
- We are excited to share the latest AMPATH Semi-Annual Research Report with you! From January to December 2022, AMPATH investigators received US $17.9 million in funding for new and continuing research projects, which increases AMPATH’s cumulative funding total to approximately US $228 million. Consistent with previous years, NIH funding remained strong and accounted for 92 percent of the funding last year. In addition, AMPATH investigators published 159 articles across many disciplines and areas.
- This will be the last semi-annual report, as the AMPATH Kenya Research Program Office (RPO) will be switching to an annual reporting format hereafter. Many thanks to all investigators and research teams who contributed information about their studies and research activities.
- >>> Action item: To download the latest report please click this link.
- IU Center for Global Health Research Speaker Series with Molly Rosenberg, PhD, on Tuesday, May 9th
- Mark your calendars and plan to join the upcoming IU Center for Global Health Research Speaker Series session on Tuesday, May 9th, at 12 pm EST / 7 pm EAT featuring Molly Rosenberg, PhD. Dr. Rosenberg is an associate professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the Indiana University School of Public Health-Bloomington. In this session, she will share experimental and quasi-experimental evidence linking cash transfers to aging-related outcomes (cognitive function, cognitive decline, mortality) in older adults in rural South Africa.
- >>> Action item: To attend please register using this link.
- IU Medicine Grand Rounds feat. Roger I. Glass, MD, PhD, May 12th (Hybrid)
- Join the IU Center for Global Health Equity’s kickoff of IU’s Global Health Scholar Day on May 12th,
Submitted by: Abby Safirstein
- In the process of recruiting: US-based assistant director and administrative assistant.
- In the process of recruiting: Ghana-based project coordinator, administrative assistant, and driver.
- Abby Safirstein attended the World Health Summit meeting in DC; several follow up meetings in development.
- Working together with AMPATH Global and other AMPATH replication sites to develop and submit a proposal to the Clinton Global Initiative Commitment to Action Maker.
- Website updates in progress.
- Medical donations SOP in development.
- Proposal submitted to the US Embassy in Ghana to support faculty exchange visits between UDS and NYU.
- Psychiatry faculty from NYU and UDS were connected over Zoom to discuss collaboration in lecture series, care and research initiatives.
- The Chronic Disease Management team developed contextualized practice algorithms for hypertension and diabetes, and held a multi-facility training focused on hypertension, diabetes, and mental health with participants representing medical officers, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, and a medical herbalist.
- Continued ultrasound clinic by OB/GYN team lead SH (monitoring of high risk pregnancy and infertility based US).
- Protocol development for high risk pregnancy management at TTH ongoing by OB/GYN department.
- TEACH grant was officially approved by Helmsley Charitable Trust. Congratulations to all those involved in their hard work! Project implementation planning will begin shortly.
- Lecture series in Medicine, Surgery, OB/GYN, and Pediatrics continue virtually and in-person
- New engagement with NYU Winthrop faculty for OB/GYN lectures
- AMPATH Ghana assisted TTH and UDS to successfully apply for the Better Evidence for Training Program through Ariadne Labs, which will provide institutional access to UptoDate for five years.
- Case-based learning continued on the medicine clerkship for both 4th and 6th year students.
- 4 students from UDS will travel to NYU in September and October 2023 for 6 weeks of elective rotations in internal medicine, psychiatry, general surgery, and neurosurgery.
- The University of Louisville Pediatrics team visited in April and provided lectures, and collaborated with local staff to provide 2 days of simulation-based house officer training and 2 days of pediatric advanced life support training. Nearly 60 pediatric house officers and medical officers participated in the simulation training, which will become part of future pediatric house officer orientation training. Nearly 50 medical officers and Pediatric Emergency staff participated in an introduction to pediatric life support training which focused on improving quality chest compressions and team work.
- Ultrasound training ongoing with completion of pilot program by end of April 2023; beginning to finalize assessment checklist to be launched in May as well as a dual certificate of completion by TTH and AMPATH.
- Developed basic OB ultrasound training course for 41 labor midwives to be launched in May 2023.
- Finalized AMPATH Ghana descriptive paper to be submitted to Academic Medicine
- Claudia Leung (Medicine Team Lead) and Sasha Hernandez (OB/GYN Team Lead) were both accepted to the ACHIEVE Training Program (NIH Fogarty Global Health Fellowship).
- Several abstracts submitted to American Public Health Association annual conference
Submitted by: Beth Felker
- We continue to collaborate with Debbie Ungar at IU to update AMPATH/MAPAS México website so that it can serve as public platform to share / access SOPs and an online Visitor form, among other new features / content.
- We received a two-year $500K total grant from Astellas to increase health literacy on prostate, cervical, and breast cancer and increase early detection of this high-burden cancers in Puebla.
- We also received an annual $2500 Title VI grant from UT’s LLILAS Benson (Latin American Studies Center) for faculty international travel.
- We held our initial BUAP-UT Executive Committee meeting. This monthly meeting will allow BUAP and UT leaders to focus on collaborate strategic guidance and decision-making.
- Monthly seminars:
- March 30, 2023, 6-7:30pm CT seminar, 109 attendees, including 53 from BUAP, 32 from IMSS, 6 from ISSTE, 5 from other local Puebla universities. The nearly half of attendees from IMSS, ISSTE, and other Puebla universities (43 attendees out of 109) indicates that our reach is beyond UT and BUAP and is attracting professionals and providers from local health institutions. Nice leverage for potential partnerships. Dra. Talía Maritza Leal Alvarado of BUAP and Dra. Shanti Nulu of UT Austin reviewed valvular heart disease. Click here to view.
- May 25, 2023, 6-7:30pm CT seminar. Dra. Laura Gomez of BUAP and Dra. Nelly Salgado de Synder of UT Austin will focus on mental health in marginalized communities in and around Puebla and Central Texas. Click here to register.
- Global Health Grand Rounds: April 27, 2023 12-1pm CT, Juanita Constible will share her expertise on “How Can Health Professionals Help People Thrive in a Hotter World.” Click here to register.
- Three-week medical Spanish language intensive in Puebla: six Pediatric Residents were selected for the second academic year of this initiative.
- April 17-23, 2023. The Mental Health Education Working Group Co-PI Dr. Claire Selinger was in Puebla to work on her AMBIA project with her BUAP counterpart Dra. Minou to collaborate on their project which is focused on launching a Project ECHO tele—mentoring clinic for frontline providers in Central Texas and Puebla to improve the care for common mental illness in primary care.
- RIAT & SOPs: We continue to complete the RIAT and develop relevant SOPs.
- Working Groups: Our team continues to support the seven Working Groups to meet and plan their community projects.
- October 23 and 24, 2024 Puentes 4: We continue to plan for this collaborative research summit.
- March 15-16, 2023 First Community “Jornada Integral de Salud” / Multidisciplinary Health Outreach: 101 medical students, pasantes (social service year interns), residents and teachers from BUAP volunteered at our first AMPATH/MAPAS Mexico health outreach to help reach 2 of our rural communities (San Francisco Xochiteopan and Colonia Agrarista with combined population of 1289); over two days the team provided 312 patient consultations and reached 100+ people at our health education sessions. Services included: internal medicine, OB/GYN, pediatrics, radiology/ultrasound, physical therapy, nutrition, oral medicine/dentistry, and pharmacy.
- April 21, 2023 Dr. Becca Cook was invited to present at the annual meeting for the National Meeting of the Mexican Association of Microbiologist and Parasitologists on what lessons we can learn from the history of AMPATH’s response to HIV in Kenya in transforming primary care in Mexico (and elsewhere). The meeting had representation from students and professors from universities across Mexico, as well as a few from Cuba, Columbia and Brazil.
- The Nepal Pilot Projects 2023 grant awardees were announced. Four collaborative projects with counterpart investigators from partner institutions were selected for funding. These 1-to-2-year projects span aspects of care, education and research, and will be instrumental in catalyzing longer term partnership activities. The awarded projects are:
- Cervical Cancer Prevention Program in Rural Nepal: “Expanding reach through Community Health Workers” by Sunila Shakya and Sheela Maru
- A population-based adolescent health needs assessment in Dhulikhel, Nepal by Lonnie Embleton and Shrinkhala Shrestha
- Training of Trainer on Simulation Based Education by Jyotsana Twi Twi, Laly Joseph, and Sarla Santos
- Global IMPACT (Improving emergency Medical Preparedness And Childhood Treatment) by Morgan Bowling and Anish Joshi
- A global health education team including Diana Lee, AIGH Director of Global Health Education, Jenn Meyer, AIGH Program Manager for Global Health Education, and Deb Litzelman, visited our Nepal partners to explore opportunities to support care and education and prepare for hosting the first batch of medical students in Nepal this summer
- DH/KUSMS is hosting 3 students from Mount Sinai in summer 2023
- 2 faculty/staff from DH/KUSMS will be participating in an observership at Mount Sinai in fall 2023
Duke University
Submitted by: Cynthia Binanay
- On April 23rd 2023, the first “Higher Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Surgery (Cardiology) class completed their “End of program” final exams. This is one of the newest speciality programs for Clinical Officers offered at the College of Medicine. Started in October 2021, the class of 5 students embarked on their journey to obtain the knowledge and skills, particularly ECG and Echocardiography, to diagnose and implement first line treatment for Cardiac Disease. Mike Foster ACS is the primary instructor, Reubon Yanoh is the program coordinator, and the Cardiology faculty are occasional class lecturers.
- Dr. Ernesto Olmedo, Duke Family Medicine, is interested in making an exploratory visit/rotation in August/September 2023. He has been connected with relevant contacts at Brown and Moi and will be meeting with Dr. Laktabai who is still at Duke.
- Dr. Andrew Wang, interventional cardiologist, his wife, Annette DuBard, Preventative/Family Medicine/Pop Health, and their son, doing rotation in teaching/care in Eldoret this summer. They hosted dinner for Dr. Laktabai during his stay to discuss plans for the visit.
- Dr. Navuluri, pulmonologist, will be in Eldoret in June.
- Dr. Ng’eno, cardiologist, will be in Eldoret July/August.
- Dr. Bloomfield, cardiologist, will be in Eldoret in August.
- Jeemiah Laktabai is at Duke through mid-May as a DGHI Fellow.
- Drs Lagat and Kiyeng, recent Cardiology fellowship graduates on faculty at Moi/MTRH, slated to do 6 week rotations at Duke this fall.
- CV Fellowship Lecture series continue M,W, F at 7am DST (except when surgical camps are taking place)
- Drs. Nyandiko, Maghasi and Bloomfield continue to work on a R01 grant submission based on their preliminary work on Subclinical Cardiac Dysfunction study. Targeted submission date is September 2023. Joan Nekesa reaching out to RSPO to begin budget planning.
Mount Sinai
Submitted by: David Plater
- Mount Sinai will host a virtual, Adolescent Health Summit follow up meeting on June 5, at 9:00 am EST/4:00 pm EAT. All members of the consortium working or interested in adolescent health are encouraged to attend. Please contact Ashley Chory (ashley.chory@mssm.edu ) for more details.
- Mount Sinai will host a team of Adolescent Health providers from the MTRH Rafiki Center in New York during the Summer of 2023. The goal of this trip is for the team to view and learn about Mount Sinai’s Adolescent Health Center.
- A new publication from our group: Magill, E. B., Nyandiko-Mokaya, W., Baum, A., Aluoch, J., Chory, A., Ashimoshi, C., … & Vreeman, R. Factors associated with caregiver compliance to an HIV disclosure intervention and its effect on HIV and mental health outcomes among children living with HIV: post-hoc instrumental variable-based analysis of a cluster randomized trial in Eldoret, Kenya. Frontiers in Public Health, 11, 1450.
- The Vreeman/ Nyandiko team will present three abstracts at the International AIDS Society meeting in Brisbane, Australia this summer. The abstracts include:
- Adherence to ART, Drug Resistance, and Their Impact on Evolving Viral Suppression Among a Long- Term Cohort of Youth Living with Perinatal HIV Infection in western Kenya. Presenter: Rachel Vreeman
- Consenting and Re-consenting Kenyan children and adolescents living with HIV in research involving biological samples and bio-banking. Presenter: Josephine Aluoch
- The role of researcher-participant relationships and trust in children and adolescents living with HIV participating in research. Presenter: Ashley Chory
UT Austin
Submitted by: Beth Felker
- The week of April 21, 2023: 13 UT Austin affiliates in Eldoret, Kenya – 4 IM/peds students, 2 peds fellows, 2 neurology residents, 1 neuro faculty, 1 peds/neuro faculty, 2 psychiatry residents and 1 psychiatry faculty. Reentry/debrief workshop for all spring program participants scheduled for May 1.
- We initiated preparations to receive Moi students at Dell Med both at the policy/dean’s level and logistically (e.g., updated the academic documents – syllabus, draft calendar, drafted eval form). We will join IU-led call this month with other host institutions.