

AMPATH Education

Graduate Medical Education

Kenya Rotations

  • One IUSM surgery resident will be arriving in Eldoret at the beginning of June for a one-month clinical rotation at MTRH.
  • Orientation for IUSM residents scheduled for the Kenya rotation during the 2023-2024 academic year is scheduled to take place on July 6 from 3-6PM.
  • If your institution plans to send trainees to Kenya during this or the next academic year, please contact Victoria Eder (vneder@iu.edu) to confirm ward and IU House availability

Moi Registrar Rotations in NA/EU

  • Nine registrars are currently scheduled to complete clinical rotations at AMPATH consortium institutions this calendar year: five medicine registrars at Duke, IU, and Brown (rotating in either nephrology or pulmonology and critical care/ICU); one surgery registrar at IU (rotating in plastic and general surgery); two psychiatry registrars at Brown; and one pediatric registrar at IU (rotating in pediatric pulmonology and critical care/ICU).
  • With the AMPATH commitment to reciprocity, if your institution plans to send trainees to Kenya during this or the next academic year, please contact Victoria Eder (vneder@iu.edu) with your institution’s number of available rotation spots for Moi Registrars and/or your plan for when you expect to be able to host registrars.

Global Health Pathway

  • The last quarterly conference for the Global Health Pathway/Residency Track took place on May 11, 2023. This quarter’s agenda included presentations on in-flight emergencies by Ruben Hernandez, MD and a tropical medicine case by Audra Rougraff, MD.


AMPATH Consortium

  • Two IUSM medical students finished a two-month clinical rotation at MTRH in May.
  • Nine Linköping students (four medicine, one nursing, two physiotherapy and two occupational therapy) students will arrive in Eldoret for clinical rotations in June.
  • If your institution plans to send trainees to Kenya during the next academic year, please contact Victoria Eder (vneder@iu.edu) to confirm ward and IU House availability.

Moi Medical Student Rotations in NA/EU  

  • Visa applications have been submitted for all Moi medical students scheduled to enter the United States on B-1 visas and are now working on obtaining expedited visa appointments. Visa applications are in progress for students going to Canada and those entering the US on a J-1 visa.

Slemenda Scholars

  • This year’s Slemenda Scholars have arrived in Kenya and will be in Eldoret through late July. They will be working on projects led Drs. Julika Kaplan, Megan McHenry, Jenny Yang, and Jimmy Carlucci. Upon returning from Kenya, the students will present their work at IMPRS Scholars Day on July 28.



Global Health Scholars Day  

The IU Center for Global Health Equity convened the 5th annual Global Health Scholars Day on Friday, May 12th. Roger I. Glass, MD, PhD, senior scientist emeritus and former director of the Fogarty International Center at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), presented Internal Medicine Grand Rounds and was awarded the inaugural Global Health Equity Award for his significant contributions to the field of global health.

The presentation was followed by a poster session showcasing the work of IU faculty, staff & trainees engaged in global health work from across the research, service and education missions. Top global health posters and presenters recognized during the event were:

  • “A human pluripotent stem cell-derived model of the blood-brain barrier in cerebral malaria” — Adnan Gopinadhan, PhD candidate
  • “Preferences of Pregnant and Postpartum Women for Differentiated HIV Services in Kenya”—John Humphrey, MD
  • “Factors related to pediatric resident preparedness and plans to care for children in immigrant and low-income families”—Palka Patel, MD


  • The AMPATH Education Strategic Planning Replication Committee continues to meet on a monthly basis to build connections and assist each other in the AMPATH replication process. This month’s meeting included updates from each AMPATH site and a presentation on community health workers by Justus Ulung’at, who leads AMPATH Kenya’s community health work for population health. A growing repository of education/orientation materials is being aggregated in an AMPATH Consortium SharePoint folder.
  • Planning has begun for the development of an AMPATH Global Orientation course that will be hosted on Canvas. The course will include modules applicable to all sites, as well as site-specific modules.

AMPATH Consortium Research

Submitted by: Kara Wools-Kaloustian,  Michael Scanlon, and Whitney Turientine


  • IU Center for Global Health Equity’s Research Speaker Series with Esi E. Thompson, PhD, on Tuesday, June 13th
  • Mark your calendars and plan to join the upcoming IU Center for Global Health Equity’s Research Speaker Series session on Tuesday, June 13th, at 12 pm ET / 7 pm EAT featuring Esi E. Thompson, PhD. Dr. Thompson is an assistant professor at The Media School at Indiana University – Bloomington whose research focuses on health risk/crisis communication, development communication and strategic communication. Her session is titled, “Communication and response to the malaria vaccine trials in the Assin Foso sub-district of Ghana,” and will focus on a qualitative health communication study about the trial of the RTS,S/AS01 (Mosquirix) malaria vaccine in one of the pilot sites.
  • >>> Action item: To attend please register using this link.
  • AMPATH Research Working Group Funds Still Available
  • A small funding mechanism to support and strengthen AMPATH Research Working Groups and their activities is still available. Groups may apply for up to $5,000 USD to support mentorship, professional development, peer review, pilot projects and other activities. Instructions are linked below, but please reach out to the Research Program Office (RPO) if you have any questions about the funds at research.manager@iukenya.org.
  • >>> Action item: Access the instructions for applying for the funds here.
  • Save the Date – Manuscript Writing Workshop Series Returns in August
  • Starting this August, RPO will host the Manuscript Writing Workshop Series. In this series of sessions, participants will learn best practices for scientific manuscript writing. Participants are encouraged to either have drafted a preliminary manuscript, written a thorough literature review, or compiled and analyzed data for a study. More details are forthcoming.
  • Online Project Database Launching This Summer
  • This summer, RPO will launch an online project database. This database will showcase past and current AMPATH Kenya research projects, with details on investigators, funding sources, recent publications, and more. Before launching the database, RPO will contact all PIs to confirm the project details listed. Please stay tuned for an email with more information in the next week or so!

For more information on conferences and workshops, grants and training opportunities, and more, please subscribe to the AMPATH Research Newsletter to stay up-to-date.

  • See the May 2023 AMPATH Research Newsletter available here.

Contact research.manager@iukenya.org to contribute updates that you would like included in the AMPATH Kenya Research Consortium updates



  • We continue to collaborate with Debbie Ungar at IU to update AMPATH/MAPAS México website so that it can serve as public platform to share / access SOPs and an online Visitor form, among other new features / content.
  • Astellas two-year $500K grant for prostate, cervical, and breast cancer health literacy and early detection: LOA is signed.
  • We received approval for a $15,000 CHEER Environmental Health Grant focused on “The Health Impacts of Eco-Stove Installation in Rural Community in Puebla, Mexico” starting June 1, 2023.
  • The Title VI grant faculty travel grant for $2500 was increased to $2700 for this academic year, pending approval by the Dept of Education.
  • Our second BUAP-UT Executive Committee meeting is scheduled for May 23rd. This monthly meeting will allow BUAP and UT leaders to focus on collaborate strategic guidance and decision-making.
  • We have meet with BUAP’s Facultad de Medicina leadership, BUAP’s contact for receiving international grants, and UT’s Office of Sponsored Projects to determine the processes to create a subaward for BUAP and transfer funding.
  • Received Redlined MOU for INSP from UT BCO.
  • REDCap: We have nearly completed the process of transferring all data-gathering tools (e.g., SmartSheets, Qualtrics, Google forms, etc.) and created new data-gathering tools (e.g., Lilly REACH Metrics, Visitor Form, etc.) to REDCap to facilitate data collection and impact reporting.
  • Mexico Project Coordinator: we have received four applications for this part-time contract role based in Mexico who will provide essential administrative support for on-the-ground initiatives and Becca’s work.
  • At a systems level, there continues to be a push towards Federalization of the Healthcare System which means transitioning management of the finances, health workforce, and supply chain from the State Secretaria de Salud to IMSS Bienestar. While initially seemed Puebla would not join this initiative (governor who died was in strong opposition), it now seems more likely in some form. The interim governor is not opposing and the SSEP leader of the SSEP who historically also was strongly opposed, now is acquiescing a bit. Although a formal convenio has not been signed between IMSS at the federal level at the SSEP, some clinics are already being re-branded IMSS Bienestar, but the workers remain the same. This seems to be more related to who manages the resources. Implications: The full impact of this is not clear, other than to say that it is a time of uncertainty. Some Mexican states that already have started the federalization have adopted a hybrid model while others have completed federalized. So far this seems to most directly implicate who will be involved in the administration of financial and human resources. Yet it’s unclear if there will be changes in the organogram of Health System Leadership at the state level. Regardless, the Secretaria de Salud will continue to hold its position as regulatory health authority. Strategically for AMPATH this means that 1) we likely can expect additional delays in trying to sign an official convenio with SSEP and 2) it may be strategic to engage with IMSS.



  • Monthly seminars:
  • May 25, 2023, 6-7:30pm CT seminar. Dra. Laura Gomez of BUAP and Dra. Nelly Salgado de Synder of UT Austin will focus on mental health in marginalized communities in and around Puebla and Central Texas. Click here to register.
  • Global Health Grand Rounds: April 27, 2023, 12-1pm CT, Juanita Constible shared her expertise on “How Can Health Professionals Help People Thrive in a Hotter World.” Click here to to view the recording.
  • Three-week medical Spanish language intensive in Puebla: six Pediatric Residents were selected for the second academic year of this initiative. Two will go October-November, two will go in January-February, and two will go in March-April.
  • May 5, 2023, Clinical Team Leader attended pediatric resident presentation of highlights/lessons learned on Puebla rotation and met with Tim Ruttan, the Assistant Director for Pediatrics at AMPATH/MAPAS México.
  • May 12, 2023: Clinical Team Lead attended Pediatric Global Health Open House at Dell Children’s Hospital.
  • Migrant Health Global Virtual Exchange: Collaborating with Dra. Marta Elba at BUAP to ensure this course is officially listed in fall 2023 classes at BUAP.
  • BUAP’s New Simulation Center: Construction is almost complete and BUAP is mapping the curriculum and planning which parts will now take place a simulation center. Our team drafted a Concept Note and the BUAP Dean is appreciative of the idea of circulating for additional partnership for both partnership in both equipping (if we can help find external funds) and faculty training (via AMPATH network).



  • RIAT & SOPs: We continue to complete the RIAT and develop relevant SOPs.
  • Working Groups: Our team continues to support the seven Working Groups to meet and plan their community projects.
  • April 17-23, 2023: Mental Health Education Working Group UT Co-PI Dr. Claire Selinger visited Puebla and met with her BUAP Co-PI Dra. Laura Gomez, visited the psychiatric hospital, and met with BUAP colleagues. They received $10,000 from the Hogg Foundation for at UT staff employee or graduate assistant to assist with programmatic/administrative support to launch ECHO.
  • October 23 and 24, 2024 Puentes 4: We continue to plan for this collaborative research summit.



  • Dell Med published a blog post about the Jornada here.
  • April 29, 2023: The Clinical Team Lead presented about AMPATH/MAPAS México program via Zoom at Global to Local Conference for Dell Med students.
  • The Clinical Team Lead is scheduling planning calls with Project ECHO staff and BUAP to launch ECHO in fall.
  • Community visit to San Francisco Xochiteopan (SFX) & Colonia Agrarista (CA): Conducted a SWOT analysis/360 feedback for health committee and clinic staff feedback about the first Jornada. They confirmed interest and commitment for next health outreach June 14-15th and we have begun planning/logistics.  Medication stock-outs at the clinic are a growing challenge and seems to be the primary reason people are not going to their clinical appointments. The medico pasante at the SFX health center said they last received meds in January 2023. Several articles published in Puebla press focus on the medication supply challenges of both SSEP and IMSS facilities.
  • BUAP Facultad de Medicina Dr. Luis Vazquez and Clinical Team Lead met and covered various topics:
  • SSEP engagement strategy: Dra. Gloria Ramos still has not provided a definitive response on the MOU but Dr. Luis also received her approval to meet with the Director for Primary Care & Public Health.
  • BUAP’s financial processes for existing BUAP employees budgeted on grants. Potentially Provide an “honorarium” to the BUAP employee in addition to their base salary; need to confirm with legal and accounting. (AMBIA does not allow funding for salaries – UT or BUAP). Our team acknowledges that how to equitably, sustainably, and transparently engage in financial incentives/compensation for people we do not directly employee is one of the most complex aspects in Global Health.
  • Hiring non-BUAP affiliated staff for AMPATH/MAPAS México projects (e.g., the Mexico Project Coordinator and Evaluation Working Group’s Research Assistant) will be  independent contractors with no legal laboral relationship with BUAP, even though they will be paid out of BUAP AMPATH/MAPAS México account.

UT Austin

Submitted by: Beth Felker


  • May 1: Hosted Kenya post-rotation debrief in Austin.
  • Two residents and one faculty from department of Psychiatry have returned from Kenya and are discussing future involvement with Global Health team.
  • In June, the last group for this academic year will travel to Kenya: Shanti + Mike (cardiology).
  • Arranging slots for next academic year: 4 students confirmed, and residents are being discussed with leadership.
  • Dell Med GH Student Ambassadors elective this fall alongside Moi students: We have an approved syllabus, marketing flyer, interest survey, class schedule and a reserved weekly meeting room. Interest survey launched to rising MS3s and MS4s, closes on July 5. Will decide need for interviews based on volume.
  • Moi students in Austin: We will host two female students: Glory Mutheu Mutethya and Uniceve Nyanchama Mobisa.


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