

AMPATH Consortium Education

Submitted by: Debra Litzelman, MD, Jenny Baenziger, MD and Victoria Eder

Graduate Medical Education Kenya Rotations

  • One IUSM surgery resident arrived in Eldoret at the beginning of June for a one-month clinical rotation at MTRH.
  • Orientation for IUSM residents scheduled for the Kenya rotation during the 2023-2024 academic year is scheduled to take place on July 6 from 3-6PM.
  • If your institution plans to send trainees to Kenya during this or the next academic year, please contact Victoria Eder (vneder@iu.edu) to confirm ward and IU House availability



AMPATH Consortium Clinical Rotations

  • Nine Linköping students (four medicine, one nursing, two physiotherapy and two occupational therapy) students arrived in Eldoret for clinical rotations in mid-June and will depart at the end of July.
  • Four Purdue pharmacy students are currently completing a clinical rotation in Eldoret and will depart at the end of June.
  • If your institution plans to send trainees to Kenya during the next academic year, please contact Victoria Eder (vneder@iu.edu) to confirm ward and IU House availability.


Moi Medical Student Rotations in NA

  • Two students have been approved for B-1 visas. The remaining US-bound students are either scheduled for visa interviews in early July or are still working on obtaining expedited visa appointments. The Canada- bound students have completed their biometric appointments and are awaiting visa approval.



  • This year’s Slemenda Scholars have arrived in Kenya and will be in Eldoret through late July. They will be working on projects led Drs. Julika Kaplan, Megan McHenry, Jenny Yang, Wan-Ju Wu and Jimmy Carlucci. Upon returning from Kenya, the students will present their work at IMPRS Scholars Day on July 28.



  • The AMPATH Education Strategic Planning Replication Committee continues to meet on a monthly basis to build connections and assist each other in the AMPATH replication process. This month’s meeting included updates from each AMPATH site and a discussion on content for an AMPATH Global orientation. A growing repository of education/orientation materials is being aggregated in an AMPATH Consortium SharePoint  folder.

AMPATH Consortium Research

  • D43 Implementation Science Curriculum Retreat Planned for July
    • Moi University College of Health Sciences and Indiana University have partnered on a new five-year NIH-funded D43 training grant “Training in HIV Implementation Science and Dissemination in Kenya (HIV-ID).” A new cohort of graduate-level students will be recruited to start in September this year. To prepare, a team of faculty members and researchers are meeting in July for a curriculum development retreat to finalize four short courses that will be part of the core curriculum in: implementation science; grant writing and proposal development; HIV science and epidemiology; and research translation.
    • >>> Action item: More information on the grant and partnership is linked here.
  • Manuscript Writing Workshop Series Returns in August
    • Starting this August, the AMPATH Kenya Research Program Office (RPO) will host a Manuscript Writing Workshop Series. In this series of sessions, participants will learn best practices for scientific manuscript writing. Participants are encouraged to either have drafted a preliminary manuscript, written a thorough literature review, or compiled and analyzed data for a study. More details are forthcoming about registration and session dates.
  • Online Project Database Launching Soon
    • This summer, AMPATH Kenya RPO will launch an online research project database. This database will showcase past and current AMPATH Kenya research projects, with details on investigators, funding sources, recent publications, and more, and be a resource to connect investigators and a public facing resource of the great research taking place at AMPATH. Before publicly launching the database, RPO has reached out to PIs to review their project details. If you have not yet been contacted about your project or have additional feedback, please contact RPO.
  • AMPATH Kenya Research Strategic Planning
    • AMPATH Kenya Research Program will hold its Strategic Planning Retreat from January 15-16, 2024, in Eldoret, Kenya. This retreat marks a shift from a 3-year strategic planning cycle to a 5-year one. Ahead of the retreat, the RPO will conduct a SWOT analysis with investigators and other key stakeholders to inform the strategic planning sessions in January. Invitations to participate in the SWOT will be circulated in August or September.
  • AMPATH Research Working Group Funds Available
    • A small funding mechanism to support and strengthen AMPATH Research Working Groups and their activities is still available. Groups may apply for up to $5,000 USD to support mentorship, professional development, peer review, pilot projects and other activities. Instructions are linked below, but please reach out to the Research Program Office (RPO) if you have any questions about the funds at research.manager@iukenya.org.
    • >>> Action item: Access the instructions for applying for the funds here.

For more information on conferences and workshops, grants and training opportunities, and more, please subscribe to the AMPATH Research Newsletter to stay up-to-date.

  • See the June 2023 AMPATH Research Newsletter available here.


Submitted by: Beth Felker


  • We continue to collaborate with Debbie Ungar at IU to update AMPATH/MAPAS México website so that it can serve as public platform to share / access SOPs and an online Visitor form, among other new features / content.
  • May 23, 2023: We held our second BUAP-UT Executive Committee meeting This monthly meeting allows BUAP and UT leaders to focus on collaborate strategic guidance and decision-making.
  • Mexico Project Coordinator: we interviewed four applications and scheduled a second interview for the top candidate for this part-time contract role based in Mexico who will provide essential administrative support for on-the-ground initiatives.


  • Monthly seminars:
  • May 25, 2023, 6-7:30pm CT seminar. Dra. Laura Gomez of BUAP and Dra. Nelly Salgado de Synder of UT Austin focused on mental health in marginalized communities in and around Puebla and Central Texas. Click here to view the recording.
  • June 22, 2023 6-7:30pm CT seminar: Dr. Alejandro Morales of BUAP and Dra. Rachel Bowman of UT Austin will focus on maternal health in marginalized communities in and around Puebla and Central Texas. Click here to register.
  • Migrant Health Global Virtual Exchange:
  • Our Clinical Team Lead Dr. Becca Cook and Dra. Marta Elba at BUAP to continue to coordinate offering this course in the fall 2023 at BUAP and UT.
  • Held a small party and handed out certificates with BUAP students. Received really positive feedback on the elective and interest amongst some students for more local engagement/service to address health issues for migrant population here in Puebla.
  • Global Health Elective: Finalized syllabus per UT Dell Med’s request for change in grading scheme.



  • RIAT & SOPs: We completed the RIAT and continue to complete the relevant SOPs.
  • Working Groups: Our team continues to support the six Working Groups to meet and plan their community projects, including initiating two new groups – Cardiovascular Disease and Oncology – in anticipation for Puentes 2023.
  • Puentes October 23 and 24, 2023: We continue to plan for this collaborative research summit.


  • Volcano Popo was more active recently, which impacted our Puebla partners and work. While no evacuations were indicated, there was an alert for readiness for evacuation in communities close to the volcano. Also, for about two weeks in late May BUAP (and other local) classes were virtual and everyone stayed inside as much as possible due to air quality.
  • We were awarded funding for a community-based model for Cancer Prevention and Early Detection, funded by the Astellas Access to Health Initiative, that will start in the Fall of 2023. Currently, we are currently working on administrative steps involved in sub-awards for BUAP and Fundacion Comunitaria de Puebla.
  • We also were awarded a USD 15,000 grant from UT Center for Health Environment Education and Research (CHEER) to study the health impacts of eco-stove introduction in a rural community. The study protocol has been submitted to UT IRB and we are finalizing submission of the Spanish-version of the protocol for submission to Comite Bioetica at BUAP. We plan to start in August 2023.
  • Clinical Team Leader Dr Becca Cook continues to serve as the main link with BUAP leadership for any AMPATH Global cross-site initiatives and proposals, this month reviewed Clinton Commitment to Action proposal and GAC Chamas Proposal with BUAP leadership.
  • Jornada: Due to volcanic activity, the June Jornada was rescheduled to September 6 and 7, 2023 to align with the next BUAP semester.
  • Pasantes program:
  • Our Clinical Team Leader continues to teach the pasantes Global Health classes on Fridays. This month we completed a series of modules on Quality Improvement Methods.
  • Pasantes provided a 4-hour First Aid Workshop for the Health Committee in Colonia Agrarista. Feedback was positive.
  • Pasantes visited a primary school in San Francsico Xochiteopan to provide nutritional assessments and education with the students, including nutritional screening and counselling for 121 students and age-appropriate health talks.


  • Will hold a strategic planning week that includes AMPATH Consortium leadership in early August
  • Preparing for the first set of trainees from Nepal to come to NY in the Fall
  • Mount Sinai will be recruiting for a Team Leader position to join Rose House in Nepal. Consortium members should share potential applicants with Rachel.

Indiana University

Submitted by: Jane von Gaudecker

  • Neuro-nurse Training Program: In an initiative to improve patient care outcomes at MTRH, we have initiated a Neuro-nurse training project. This Train the Trainer program will see four selected nurses from MTRH receive intensive, hands-on training at UT Southwestern, Texas. Each nurse will receive training over a three-month period. The training involves an immersive preceptor model, wherein each nurse works closely with an experienced mentor to gain practical knowledge and skills in neuro-nursing. Upon completion of the training, these nurses will return to Kenya and will be tasked with training their peers at MTRH. The first of these nurses has already started with the training in Texas. Collaborators: MTRH, IUSON, UT Southwestern
  • Nursing Mentorship Program: The AMPATH Nursing Working Group has initiated a nurse mentoring program aimed at supporting professional growth. Five selected MTRH nurses have been paired with expert nurse mentors from UCSF Health, UT-Austin School of Nursing, IU School of Nursing, and Moi School of Nursing and Midwifery. Each mentee will work on projects they have identified as a priority within their respective clinical areas. The mentees will be supported with the necessary skills to execute their projects effectively. Further, they will disseminate the project outcomes during a scientific session planned for next year.

UT Austin

Submitted by: Beth Felker


  • May 1: Hosted Kenya post-rotation debrief in Austin.
  • Two residents and one faculty from department of Psychiatry have returned from Kenya and are discussing future involvement with Global Health team.
  • In June, the last group for this academic year will travel to Kenya: Shanti + Mike (cardiology).
  • Arranging slots for next academic year: 4 students confirmed, and residents are being discussed with leadership.
  • Dell Med GH Student Ambassadors elective this fall alongside Moi students: We have an approved syllabus, marketing flyer, interest survey, class schedule and a reserved weekly meeting room. Interest survey launched to rising MS3s and MS4s, closes on July 5. Will decide need for interviews based on volume.
  • Moi students in Austin: We will host two female students: Glory Mutheu Mutethya and Uniceve Nyanchama Mobisa.


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