ALC Classroom Consultations
Thinking through what a classroom has to offer; various technologies, analog resources, flexibilities the space offers, etc., can be overwhelming when first seeing a new teaching space. The Learning Spaces Active Learning Consultants are here to help you:
Explore the technologies and features available in this classroom with a technology expert, and how to use them in your teaching. | |
Learn about the active learning affordances the space has to offer and how to leverage those throughout the semester. | |
Discuss your course goals and what would make most sense to consider leveraging or adjusting to enhance your course. | |
In-depth consultations that help you make the shift to a more active learning pedagogy. These can be one time consultations or repeated consultations to continue development throughout the semester. | |
Continuous technical and pedagogical support while you teach in this Active Learning Classroom, or ANY learning space on campus! |
To schedule an in-classroom consultation for Ballantine Hall BH304, contact Principal Active Learning Consultant, Kelly Scholl.