
29 Jerrica Miles – The Hoosier Herpetological Society: A Discourse Community

Jerrica Miles is a second year student at I.U. East majoring in Sustainability Studies with a minor in Environmental Studies.  This paper is a Discourse Community Research Report she wrote last spring for ENG-W 131.  Professor Kelly Blewett notes that “Jerrica’s discourse community paper, ‘The Hoosier Herpetological Society,’ is marvelous and unique.  I loved learning about all of the “herps” and the IN-Field guide, as well as meeting her informant, Mr. Bush.”

The Hoosier Herpetological Society: A Discourse Community

Several years ago, I entered the veterinary field obtaining an entry level position at the veterinary clinic where I took my pets. With the support of the veterinarians and veterinary technician at the clinic I decided to further my education and obtain my Veterinary Technician License. When I began studying veterinary medicine the Veterinary Technology program I was enrolled in strongly encouraged students to become active in different societies and clubs pertaining to veterinary medicine and our areas of interest. I have always had an interest in reptiles and amphibians and have kept different species as pets over the years, so I decided to do a google search of reptile and amphibian-related clubs in Indiana. The Hoosier Herpetological Society (H.H.S), a group for herpetological hobbyists in Indiana, stood out from the other societies that I came across because their main focus centered around the study and conservation of reptiles and amphibians, while most other clubs only focused on herpetoculture, the keeping of reptiles and amphibians in captivity as a hobby. According to Dr. John Swales (1990), a professor of linguistics and co-director of the Michigan Corpus of Academic Spoken English at the University of Michigan, the six characteristics that define a discourse community are a shared set of common goals, mechanisms of communication, participatory mechanisms, genres, a specific lexis, and a mix of members with differing expertise on the community’s subject matter (p. 220-222). The H.H.S. is a discourse community that accomplishes their shared common goals by utilizing different modes of communication, participatory mechanisms, specific lexis, and multiple genres. Genres in particular play an integral role in the H.H. S’s efforts to achieve the goals set forth in their by-laws.

Shared Common Goals

To be considered a discourse community, a group must share common goals. The Hoosier Herpetological Society has three main goals that its members share. These goals can be found listed on the H.H.S. website hoosierherpsoc.org on the “About Us” page in the History Section. The first goal is to inform members and the general public about the proper care of captive reptiles and amphibians. This goal is essential because the exotic pet trade has boomed in the last several decades; sadly, many breeders and pet stores do not provide new pet owners with sufficient information on properly caring for their exotic pets. Due to this, many new owners develop what I like to term a “Goldfish Bowl” mentality, meaning they believe that simply placing the animal in a pretty tank and throwing some insects or raw vegetables in occasionally will be adequate conditions to keep their pet alive. In reality, like all creatures, exotic animals require specific diets and habitat parameters to thrive. The second goal of the H.H.S. is to educate members and the general public about the ecological value of reptiles and amphibians. People need to understand that all creatures play some role in maintaining a homeostatic relationship within the various microhabitats in our biosphere, even reptiles and amphibians. The third goal of the H.H.S. is to promote the study of reptiles and amphibians. The condition of wildlife populations is a significant indicator of the health of our environment, especially reptiles and amphibians because many species can be very sensitive to ecological changes within their habitat. Studying these fascinating creatures provides the scientific world with a better understanding of their unique environmental roles within their microhabitats and a better understanding of how to maintain homeostasis within our environment.

To gain the perspective of another member on how the H.H.S. accomplishes their goals, I interviewed Tyler Bush, a “herp” hobbyist from Martinsville, IN who has been a member of the H.H.S. for several years and has kept reptiles and amphibians as pets for over twenty years. I asked Mr. Bush, “In what way do you feel the H.H.S. accomplishes it’s goals?” He replied, “They do a great job providing members and the public with information about “herps,” both state native and exotic species kept as pets. They also have some great get-togethers where members and the public can go on hikes, observe and learn about native species here in Indiana. They also organize volunteer work through the D.N.R. (Department of Natural Resources) to help with the conservation of Indiana’s “herps” and their natural environments” (personal communication, March 26, 2023). These are great examples of how the H.H.S. members work together to complete the common goals of the Society.

Modes of Communication

An important aspect of any community is maintaining the ability for members to keep in touch. One way members of the H.H.S. do this is by utilizing the group’s Facebook page. Members can use Facebook to discuss upcoming events, post pictures and discussions about various reptiles spotted around the state by members and share pictures and information about their pet “herps” with one another. Another way that members stay in touch is through our monthly newsletter, which will be discussed later in this report. Members also use monthly meetings and group outings as opportunities to communicate with one another and share their herpetological knowledge and experiences. These modes of communication also serve as a way for the H.H.S to meet the community’s goals of providing information to members and the public; promoting the study of reptiles and amphibians.

Participatory Mechanisms

To be part of a discourse community, members must have the opportunity to interact and learn with one another. The Hoosier Herpetological Society does this by hosting monthly meetings and group field outings throughout the year. H.H.S. meetings usually occur on the third Wednesday of every month at the Holiday Park Nature Center in Indianapolis and are open to the general public. At these meetings, there are normally guest speakers who are experts in their fields of study, such as Naturists, Zoologists, Biologists, and Veterinarians, who give presentations and answer questions on subjects of their expertise. There are also member presentations on topics such as animals they have encountered and experiences, they have had on personal field outings or information on the care of exotic animals they own. These meetings also allow members to come together, discuss common interests and goals, and share information.

The H.H.S also has a booth at the Midwest Reptile show in Indianapolis, IN, where members can come together with other “herp” lovers to sell animals that they have bred and their “herp” related wares, exchange information about reptiles and amphibians with the community and members of the public, and recruit new members. While interviewing a fellow member of the H.H.S. I discovered that he was recruited at a show several years ago. I began our conversation by asking Mr Bush, “What led you to join the Hoosier Herpetological Society?” Mr Bush stated, “I had always kept snakes and turtles as a hobby over the years. One day I decided to go to the Midwest Reptile Show in Indianapolis at the fairgrounds to brows what the vendors had available. I ended up at the H.H.S. booth, and after enquiring about the Society, I decided to join” (personal communication, March 26,2023).

Another fantastic way members come together is through regularly scheduled group field outings. During these outings, senior and new members can come together to learn about and observe reptiles and amphibians in their natural habitats and share their collective knowledge. These outings generally take place at one of the State Parks, Nature Preserves, or a section of the Hoosier National Forest; they can encompass anywhere from a one-day outing to a weekend camping/hiking/canoeing event.

Specific Lexis

Like most science-based subjects, herpetologists, whether novice or expert, have their own unique vocabulary they use when communicating with one another about reptiles and amphibians. For example, two common terms that are used are the words “herp” and “herping.” The term “herp” (plural “herps”) is commonly used when referring to reptiles and amphibians; “herping” is used by members when they have been or plan on doing a field study of reptiles and amphibians in their natural habitats. Both of these terms originate from the term “herpetology,” which is the scientific study of reptiles and amphibians. Kris Millgate (2022) very cleverly explained the interchanging use of the term “herp” in her article, “The field herper: Finding reptiles and amphibians for fun,” by stating, “’Herps’ is the collective term for amphibians and reptiles. Herpetology is the study of herps. Herpetologists are trained scientists who study herps. Herpers, also known as field herpers, are like birders but they log life lists for lizards instead. Herpers are not necessarily herpetologists, but many herpetologists are also herpers” (para. 3). It is also not uncommon to hear members of H.H.S. refer to different “herps” by their scientific names, especially those they really like. For example, one of my favorite lizards, of which I keep several as pets, is Eublepharis macularius, or common leopard gecko. I usually use this term when I am speaking to other herpetologists; sometimes in everyday conversation when I feel like sounding smart. It is also common for most hobbyists to have at least a general understanding of veterinary medical terms relating to reptiles and amphibians. For example, it would be important for anyone with a female reptile to be familiar with the term “egg binding,” its symptoms, causes, and treatments.


While multiple characteristics can be used to define a discourse community, the utilization of genres is an important characteristic used by the community to achieve its goals. Some discourse communities utilize more than one genre to accomplish certain goals. In his article, “The Concept of Discourse Community,” John Swales (1990) explains, “A discourse community utilizes and hence possesses one or more genres in the communicative furtherance of its aims” (p. 221). The Hoosier Herpetological Society uses three different genres to accomplish the goal of educating members of the society and the general public on reptiles and amphibians and their care: the monthly newsletter, The Monitor;  the digital IN Field Guide, and the digital “Care Sheets” located on the society’s website, hoosierherpsoc.org. These genres play a key role in the Hoosier Herpetological Society’s efforts to achieve their goals of providing information to members and the public, promoting the study of reptiles and amphibians.

The most effective genre the Hoosier Herpetological Society uses is the monthly newsletter, The Monitor, which allows community members to stay current on scheduled events and monthly meetings. There are also articles within The Monitor that feature reviews of previous events and meetings, which help members unable to attend, stay abreast of what occurred. The Monitor also features a list of all the board members and ways members can contact them. Monthly articles in the newsletter generally discuss current research and conservation efforts involving different reptiles and amphibians. While talking to Mr. Bush, I asked, “Which genre(s) do you feel are the most valuable to the H.H.S. for accomplishing the Society’s goals?” He responded, “Probably the newsletter or the Facebook page, because they both allow the H.H.S. to communicate with the members, so that they can stay up to date on what is happening in the club. They also share information about reptiles and amphibians and information about conservation efforts with members and the public with both The Monitor and the H.H.S. Facebook page.” (personal communication, March 26, 2023). The newsletter allows the Society to accomplish their goals of providing information to members and the public and encouraging the study and conservation of reptiles and amphibians.

The digital IN Field Guides on the Hoosier Herpetological Society website is a valuable tool that provides information on native species of reptiles and amphibians in Indiana that members and the public can use to identify animals they may come across while exploring nature. Mr. Bush, an experienced “herper,” regularly uses the H.H.S. Field Guide; during our interview, he stated, “I use the IN Field Guide at lot while I am out hiking to identify animals that I come across” (personal communication, March 26, 2023). The digital field guide consists of multiple links; each page provides a list of animals native to Indiana from each order or sub-order of reptiles and amphibians. A screenshot of the Amphibians ID Guide can be viewed in figure 2. On the list, general information on each animal is initially visible; this consists of the common name, scientific name, size, species status, similar species, a photograph of the animal, and a shaded map of the species’ habitat range within Indiana. Also, a recording of each animal’s call is available on the frogs and toads page. If someone were interested in viewing more detailed information on each animal, the >>more tab can be clicked to expand the information field for each animal. Once expanded, details on the animal’s range, physical description, habitat, habits, and diet can now be seen, in addition to more detail on the size and species status of the animal. The information provided by the government IN-Field Guides section of the H.H.S. website can be a helpful tool for H.H.S. members and anyone interested in finding and identifying different species of reptiles and amphibians in Indiana (see figure 1).

Figure 1: IN Field Guide for Snapping Turtle
The IN Field Guide is a great tool that can be used by members and the general public to identify reptiles and amphibians. This genre also helps the H.H.S. achieve its goals of promoting the study of reptiles and amphibians and providing information for H.H.S members and the general public.


Humans are social creatures by nature, we crave interaction with others; we do this by forming groups or communities with people who share our common interests and goals. Discourse communities allow people to come together in these ways; the Hoosier Herpetological Society is no different. It allows members with shared interests to come together and accomplish their common goals through the use of different modes of communication, participatory mechanisms, specific lexis, and multiple genres.


Carter, R., Hoffman, H.; Horton, J. (2014). Hoosier Herpetological Society IN Field Guides. [Screenshot]. https://hoosierherpsoc.org/index.html

Hoosier Herpetological Society. (2014). History page. Hoosier Herpetological Society. https://hoosierherpsoc.org/history.html.

Millgate, K. (2023, January 30). The field herper: Finding reptiles and amphibians for fun. Cool Green Science. https://blog.nature.org/2022/04/06/the-field-herper-finding-reptiles-and-amphibians-for-fun/

Swales, J. (1990). The concept of discourse community. Genre Analysis: English in Academic and Research Settings. Cambridge University Press. 215-228.


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