

Engaging the Five-Fold Path HERE

Mentoring Cohort Agreements HERE

President’s Diversity Initiative Proposal: The GMC Excerpt (September 2013) HERE

Mentoring Graduate Students at IU: A Holistic Approach (February 2015) HERE

The Graduate Mentoring Center Statement (July 2020) HERE



Maria Hamilton Abegunde, Ph.D.

Yoo Young Ahn, Ph.D.

Taylor Duckett

Lekeah Durden, Ph.D.

Javon Goad

Laura Hurely, Ph.D.

Jennifer Park, Ph.D.

Tiffany Quash, Ph.D.

Shruti Rana, Ph.D.

Candis Smith, Ph.D.

Brandon Stokes

Breon Tyler



Office of the President (President McRobbie)

Maxine Watson, Ph.D.

Jane McLeod, Ph.D.

James Wimbush, Ph.D.

David Daleke, Ph.D.

Jack Schmitt, Ph.D.

Yolanda Trevino, Ph.D.

Tracey Bradley

African American and African Diaspora Studies

The University Graduate School Staff

Office of the Provost

School of Education

IUPUI Graduate Office

Graduate Students

IU Bloomington Faculty

IU Bloomington Staff

Neal-Marshall Black Culture Center

La Casa

Asian American Center

Groups Scholars

Hudson and Holland


Special Thank You

A special thank you to Laura Hurley and Fernando Orejuela for taking the time to review this guidebook and to offer suggestions for revision and rethinking several areas.



Founding Director, 2014-2021

Maria Hamilton Abegunde, Ph.D.



Ian Ermatinger-Salas (IUPUI)

Ali Farr

Shayla Lawson



Yoo Young Ahn

Ian Ermatinger-Salas (IUPUI)

Cari Friesen



Yoo Young Ahn

Keino Miller



Yoo Young Ahn



Yoo Young Ahn

Aleia Gardner



Shanalee Gallimore

Jennifer Park



Jennifer Park



Jennifer Park


Mentee Cohort Alumni

Degrees in parentheses: in progress AY2022.


Sheakha Aldaihan, Ph.D.

Nana Amoah-Ramey, Ph.D.

Yoo Young Ahn, Ph.D.

Nana Bentil-Mawusi, Ph.D.

Nya Anthony (MA/MPH)

Jennie Chen, Ph.D.

Madison Stephens Clark (Ph.D.)

Rohan Crawley, (Ph.D.)

Giselle Cunana, Ph.D.

Hilda Davis, MA

Tori DiMartile, Ph.D.

Taylor Ducket (Ph.D.)

Lekeah Durden, Ph.D.

Khadija Edwards, Ph.D.

Charlene Fletcher-Brown, Ph.D.

Shanalee Galimore (Ph.D.)

Arnell Hammond (Ph.D.)

Monica Lisa Heilman (Ph.D.)

M. Nicole Horsley, Ph.D.

Samantha Horton (Ph.D.)

Gloria Howell, Ph.D.

Stephanie Huezo, Ph.D.

Casey Johnson (MA)

Marvin Jones (Ph.D.)

Kelly Yun Ju Kang, Ph.D.

Timmia King, MA

Maurisa Li-A-Ping, MA

Katrina Overby, Ph.D.

Wendy Puquirre, Ph.D.

Tiffany Quash Ph.D.

Berenice Sanchez, Ph.D.

Ottawa Sanders, Ph.D.

Yukari Shinagawa Ph.D.

Kira Smith, Ph.D.

Riddhi Sood (Ph.D.)

Andrea Sterling (Ph.D.)

Brandon Stokes (Ph.D.)

Jazma Sutton, Ph.D.

Zawadi Rowe, Ph.D.

Donna To, Ph.D.

Elmira Tolubaeva-Ferris, MA

LaTosha Williams (Ph.D.)

Chavonte Wright (Ph.D.)


Mentor Cohort Alumni

Cara Cadoo, Ph.D.

Carolyn Calloway-Thomas, Ph.D.

Kalani Craig, Ph.D.

Carl Darnell, Ph.D.

Arlene Diaz, Ph.D.

Devan Ray Donaldson, Ph.D.

Betty Sibongile Dlamini, Ph.D.

Dionee Indera Cross Francis, Ph.D.

Lucia Guerra-Reyes, Ph.D.

Laura Hurley, Ph.D.

Pamela Jackson, Ph.D.

Mintzi Martinez-Rivera, Ph.D.

Sylvia Martinez, Ph.D.

Emily Meanwell, Ph.D.

Rasul Mowatt, Ph.D.

Michelle Renee Moyd, Ph.D.

Fernando Orejuela, Ph.D.

Carmen L. Medina, Ph.D.

Walton Muyumba, Ph.D.

Amrita Myers, Ph.D.

Karo Omodior, Ph.D.

Shruti Rana, Ph.D.

Judith Rodriquez, Ph.D.

Candis Smith, Ph.D.

Marvin Sterling, Ph.D.

Willa Liburd Tavernier, Ph.D.

Alberto Varon, Ph.D.

Dianne Wellington (Ph.D.)

Kerrie Wilkins-Yel, Ph.D.

Jakobi Williams, Ph.D.

Raymond Wise, Ph.D.



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NCFDD Mentoring Map HERE

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Rackham Guide for Faculty HERE

Rackham Guide for Students HERE

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