Basic Considerations

Before editing an open textbook, it helps to consider several questions. The answers will inform the level of effort involved in modifying an open textbook.

Questions about the textbook:

  • In what file format(s) is the open textbook currently available?
  • How much content needs to be changed: a few sentences or entire chapters?
  • Do illustrations, graphs, or charts need to be changed?
  • Who can’t access or will struggle to access this material?
  • Are we providing clear language about how to use the resource?

Questions regarding diversity, equity, and inclusion:

  • Whose voices or perspectives are missing?
  • Does this material reflect the students who will use it?
  • Is this resource relevant and reflective of students’ lived experiences?
  • Does this resource reflect privilege that may be invisible to the author?

Questions about your resources and plans:

  • How comfortable are you with technology? Do you have access to software or other help you may need?
  • Is it important that your version of the textbook be available in multiple formats?
  • Do you plan to share your adapted textbook only with your students or with a wider audience?

If you’re approaching a remix project for the first time, a good rule of thumb is to approach it incrementally. While it may be tempting to make a number of major changes at once, an open textbook is a living resource that can be revisited.


Contributors: Cherl Cuillier, Amy Hofer, Annie Johnson, Kathleen Labadorf, Peter Potter, Richard Saunders, Anita Walz.  Beth South added section regarding DEI considerations. 


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Creating and Editing Open Educational Resources Copyright © 2023 by Trustees of Indiana University is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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