24 Fall 2022: International University of Grand-Bassam, Côte d’Ivoire

Instructor: Wazir Mohamed (IU East) & Siendou Konate (International Univ. of Grand-Bassam).
Course: SOC-S308 – Global Society.
Course Description: This course incorporates a cross disciplinary student project, that will enable online students studying Global Society at Indiana University East to be involved in two-way cross-cultural exchange with students studying Global Ethics at the International University of Grand Bassam, Cote d’Ivoire, West Africa. The cross-cultural student exchange will concentrate on the involvement of students examining and understanding global inequality through the lens of Cocoa which is the primary raw material in the processing and production of chocolate. Cote d’Ivoire is among the leading cocoa producers in the world, and the US is among the leading consuming nations of chocolate. This exercise will bring into discourse producers and consumers of one or two products through which can shed light on the nature of inequality in the global commodity chain.