
10 Modules and Course Navigation


In accordance with UDL principles, organize content using the Modules tool.

Generally speaking,

  • Everything should be published the day the course launches
  • When possible, content should allow students to work ahead on course material
  • Some content may need to unlock at particular times
    • Proctored exams should unlock for about a two week span to give students time to complete them
    • Communicate all locked content dates clearly in the course syllabus

Course Navigation

Please edit the left-hand course navigation to look like this:

If an instructor is incorporating additional tools beyond these, feel free to edit this list as needed.

The decision to only use the Modules tool to access course materials follows guidelines in IU’s A Canvas Semester Checklist, which argues that, “Since all assignments, discussions, pages, and quizzes are integrated and organized in Modules, there is no need to have the links in the navigation. Providing an obvious “back door” for students to go directly to assignments and discussions can lead to students ignoring other parts of the module such as instructional materials, information on upcoming projects, and non-graded activities.”



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