Starting a new text from scratch
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You’ve got a story to tell, and you’re ready to start writing it. You pull together the scraps of paper you’ve been jotting ideas down on for years and pile them up next to you. You’re ready to get started, but you’ve got one more decision to make: whether you want to offer a low-cost or an open (free) etext. You read that low-cost etexts can be offered through the IU eTexts program, so students can purchase the text with financial aid. Open texts, often called “Open Educational Resources (OER),” are shared under an intellectual property licenseopens in a new window that allows other educators and even students outside of your to course revise, reuse, and retain the text. Either option can be delivered in Canvas, and can include the collaborative annotation, interactive activities, and customization features within Pressbooks.
Select an option below to move forward.
You want to write a low-cost text >>
You choose to write an open (free) text >>
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Pressbooks is a text authoring and publishing tool available to IU through the Unizin consortium. Learn more at