

Julie Feighery

Why Background Sources?

Background research for this class refers to specialized encyclopedias and Wikipedia.

Background research allows you to explore your topic in several ways:

  • Find definitions and locate keywords that will be useful for future database searches
  • Discover subtopics of your topic idea that may help you narrow your topic into something manageable
  • Discover different viewpoints about your topic that help you create arguments or take a particular position
  • Examine the bibliography to find relevant sources for further research

Gathering some general information on your research topic by doing background reading is always a great way to begin the research process. Background reading involves reading works related to your topic, in order to get a bigger picture before diving into the deeper research. Similar to how you may consult Google Maps for a general idea of the streets and stores in a new city you plan to visit, background reading can help you feel more informed about where you are going with your research topic. When starting your background searches, Credo Reference and CQ Researcher can be good places to start. Credo Reference is a collection of online encyclopedias on a wide variety of subjects. CQ Researcher is a good background source for a summary of current issues in the news.

The Case for Wikipedia

Wikipedia logo of puzzle globe

Many people start their research these days with a preliminary Google search, which usually leads them to Wikipedia. Why? Wikipedia and reference sources in general (e.g., encyclopedias, atlases, handbooks) are excellent sources of background information. This is especially helpful if you are assigned or select a topic you are not yet very familiar with. Though Wikipedia is not considered a scholarly or academic source, it can be a great starting point for your research, allowing you to gather general information on your area of interest, and giving you ideas for narrow areas of focus. The “content” box on the left-hand side of Wikipedia pages can help you quickly scan for potentially relevant and interesting subtopics.

Wikipedia use is often discouraged by college professors because anybody can edit information on almost any Wikipedia page (though some pages that are more prone to vandalism have restrictions on who can and cannot edit them). Though the fear of inaccurate information being portrayed on Wikipedia is a legitimate concern, it is also true that Wikipedia is used by millions of people daily and errors are often corrected as soon as they are found. This is especially true on the pages that are used by many, like those for famous people, landmarks, or current events. While many professors will not accept Wikipedia as a source cited in the research assignment you ultimately turn in, it can be a useful tool in the early stages of research when you are seeking background information.


Why Background Sources” is adapted from Introduction to College Research Copyright © by Walter D. Butler; Aloha Sargent; and Kelsey Smith is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License


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Background Sources & Wikipedia Copyright © by Julie Feighery is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.