
2 Spaces: Libraries Across Campus

In addition to Wells Library, there are several other libraries across campus each with their own collections, services, and unique atmosphere. Explore each of these spaces around campus to find where you can settle between classes to get those readings and assignments done. The libraries are strategically located either in or near where the different programs they serve have their classes, so often you can find services and support directly related to your studies in these spaces.

If you’re interested in reservable group study spaces, you can filter by location in the reserve system to see what rooms are available when you need them!

Here’s an overview of several of them:

Business/SPEA Library

An illustration to the outside of the SPEA building where the Business/SPEA Library is located

The Business/SPEA Library is located on the first floor of the O’Neil SPEA building on 10th street right where it comes together with Hodge Hall, one of the main buildings for the Kelley School of Business. This bustling library is located right next to a cafe. It has fourteen group study spaces available to reserve, plenty of computer work stations and open tables. They have three Bloomberg terminals, as well as a Refinitv workstation. All of this in addition to the designated quiet study space, and the book collections that one has come to expect from a library. This library also offers discipline specific reference and research services, including pre-interview research called Hire Ed.

 Education Library

An illustration of the outside of the Education Building where the Education Library is located

The Education Library is located on the ground floor of the Wright Education Building. This library offers many unique collections to serve future educators from youth literature, curriculum materials, and scholarly publications as well. This space offers plenty of seating for quiet studying, reservable group study spaces, and their own program space. They offer reference, research, and readers advisory services.


The Sciences Library is located fittingly enough in the Chemistry building, just south of the Indiana Memorial Union. The library is located in the northwest corner of the ground floor, and if you enter the building on the north side, facing the the IMU, you’ll find signage directing you to the library on your right. This library is a relatively quiet space with its own collection of books and makes for a great study space if you spend most of your time in Ballantine and other classroom buildings near Dunn’s Woods near Kirkwood.