

Julie Feighery

We are living in times of rapid technological change, but thinking about how you will conduct research and seek out information after you graduate from college is a good idea. While you will no longer have access to the IUSB databases, the state library of Indiana has made a number of databases available to state residents for free at Inspire.net

If you move out of state, check your new state library to see if they do something similar. Public libraries also provide database access. Here is what is available at our public library in South Bend.

There may be times when you need to fact-check a statement. Remembering SIFT and the other evaluative tools discussed throughout this class will help as you are making sense of the information you receive online and in social media.

AI is changing things rapidly, and it is hard to know at this time how it will impact research and learning. The nonprofit Ithaka S+R is maintaining a Generative AI Product tracker that lists the pros and cons of each resource.

Libraries and librarians are here to help you with research during college and after you graduate. Ask us. We’re here to help


Navigating Research Tools After You GraduateĀ  by IU South Bend Libraries is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.