

Julie Feighery

You may have assignments that require you include information from “peer reviewed” articles. These articles are published in scholarly or academic journals after they have gone through a lengthy editorial process which usually involves the author making many revisions. The reviewers themselves are experts in the same field, and judge the strength of the article on the originality of the research, the methods used, and the validity of findings. The highest standard of peer review is “double-blind,” meaning that both the identity of the authors as well as the reviewers are kept anonymous in order to ensure that bias and subjectivity do not influence the process.

But be careful! Not all of the content in an academic journal is subject to peer review. There may be other content such as letters, opinion pieces, and book reviews that have been edited, but not necessarily gone through a formal peer review process.

ACTIVITY: Watch, Listen, and Learn

The following video describes the process of peer review. Click on this link if you prefer to read the transcript.

ACTIVITY: Summarize The Peer Review Process



But how can you, the researcher, recognize a peer reviewed article?

Fortunately,  most of our databases have a filter or limit which will help you find the right type of information. Various databases will use different terms: look for “scholarly” or “peer reviewed.”

There are other clues you can look for.


Tip: Clues to Help You Decide if it is Peer Reviewed

Author’s credentials and affiliations Look for the author’s degrees, as well as the university or research institution they are affiliated with.
References Any peer reviewed article will have a lengthy list of sources used by the author.
Submission guidelines Somewhere on the journal’s homepage will be a link for submitting an article for review. You may have to dig around a little!
Journal publisher Is the journal published by a scholarly society? A university press? Sometimes googling the name of the source can help you determine if it is peer reviewed.

Key Takeaway

Information creation is a process that results in a variety of formats and delivery modes, each having a different value in a given context.



Understanding Peer Review.” Adapted from Doing Research Copyright © 2020 by Celia Brinkerhoff is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

What is Peer Review.” YouTube. Uploaded by Deakin Library, 9 July 2020


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Understanding Peer Review Copyright © by Julie Feighery is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.