

Hello and welcome to Indiana University Libraries!

This Pressbooks is built to introduce you to the many resources available to you through the library. There are millions of books, thousands of databases, and hundreds of guides available to you through your university library. The prospect of finding exactly what you need in all of these options might sound daunting after facing down those numbers. But don’t fear! Let this book be your guide to finding exactly what you need. Whether you’re writing your very first research paper using peer reviewed sources, or embarking on the long and arduous journey of writing your dissertation, IU Libraries has your back!

In this book you’ll find

  • An overview of the services, spaces, and digital media available to you through IU Libraries
  • Tips on identifying and finding the information resources you need
  • Methods to evaluate the information you come across
  • Discussions on the effective source use and ethical citation practices
  • Ideas on what comes after you finish your project

The next page highlights and acknowledge some of the key contributors to this guidebook. You can click through to the next page on this book by clicking on the bottom right hand corner labeled Next: Acknowledgements