IU Financial System Reports and Procedures

Click to review the below IU financial system reports and procedures related to roles and responsibilities:

Account Role and Delegate Compliance Status Report and Instructions

This report was created to assist with the management of KFS account responsibility roles (Fiscal Officer, Account Manager, and Account Supervisor) and primary and secondary delegation assignments that are no longer valid or appropriate. Maintaining accurate responsibility roles and delegates on accounts facilitates a strong internal control environment within IU’s financial systems. Review this report to identify and remedy responsibility roles and delegations deemed out of compliance and to periodically assure that responsibility roles and delegations are still appropriate given the department’s organizational structure and each individual’s current job responsibilities. Review the account role and delegate compliance status report instructions prior to running the report. Both the instructions and the report can be found by clicking the below links:


Internal Controls and Roles and Responsibilities Copyright © by The Trustees of Indiana University. All Rights Reserved.