
Click to review the below policies related to roles and responsibilities:

FIN-ACC-1: Role of Fiscal Officer, Account Manager, and Account Supervisor

Click the above link to review the Indiana University policy on the role of a fiscal officer, account manager, and account supervisor. This policy will aid in clearly defining these roles in order to establish a process to ensure fiscal control, accountability, and integrity for university accounts.

FIN-ACC-10: Ranking of Fiscal Officer, Account Supervisor, Account Manager, and Delegation of Signature Authority

Click the above link to review the Indiana University policy on the ranking of the fiscal officer, account supervisor, account manager, and the delegation of signature authority. This policy is in place to establish responsibility for an account by ensuring that the persons authorized to transact business on an account are the only people actually authorizing financial transactions.

FIN-ACC-470: Internal Controls

Click the above link to review the Indiana University policy on internal controls. The objective of this policy is to establish best practices regarding internal controls at Indiana University. The university is required by Federal regulations, including Uniform Guidance and Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), to maintain an effective internal control structure.

FIN-ACC-650: Financial Compliance: Authority and Accountability

Click the above link to review the Indiana University policy on fiscal compliance, authority, and accountability. This policy contains information about roles and responsibilities at Indiana University. In particular, this policy is focused on outlining the authority for the university’s external financial audits, fiscal internal controls, and related compliance. This policy outlines the delegation of financial policy, standards, transactions, systems, and reporting as it relates to external financial compliance for the university as a whole.

UA-17: Conflicts of Interest and Commitment

Click the above link to review the Indiana University policy on conflicts of interest and commitment. Prior to reading this policy, it is important to understand that Indiana University is an institution of public trust. Academic appointees and employees have an obligation to be objective and impartial in making decisions on behalf of the university. Disclosure of conflicts of interest and conflicts of commitment, along with open communication about them between all concerned parties, is the best method to protect academic appointees, employees, units, and Indiana University from negative consequences of these situations. Review this policy for detailed information about conflicts of interest and commitment, the process for notifying officials of conflicts of interest and commitment, the scope of the policy, the reason for this policy, detailed procedures, the history of this policy, sanctions for violation of this policy, and a list of definitions of terms commonly used when reviewing conflicts of interest and commitment.


Internal Controls and Roles and Responsibilities Copyright © by The Trustees of Indiana University. All Rights Reserved.