1 Example mentorship agenda

1:1 Emily & Tiffany


List medium- and long-term goals at the top of the document. These shouldn’t change often.

☐ Demonstrate improved presentation skills
☐ Advocate for myself with peers
☐ Identify and understand my strengths


Add short-term tasks. These may include tasks related to your goals at the top of the document. These are likely to change frequently.

☐ Before our next team meeting, add my requirements to the agenda to make sure they’re covered
☐ Take the StrengthsFinder test

Completed goals & tasks

Move completed goals and tasks to this section. Do not remove items from this list once they’re added: it’s intended to demonstrate your progress toward your goals.

Move items from “Goals” and “Tasks” to this section as they’re completed.

☒ Watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCvmsMzlF7o
☒ Email my new goals to my mentor
☒ Email my goals to my mentor
☒ Write a to do list
☒ Schedule biweekly 1:1s

Meeting agendas

Include all mentorship meeting agendas. Listing your mentorship meeting agendas with the most recent at the top allows you to easily review previous meetings.

December 3, 2019

  • Identifying strengths
  • Idea for team project
    • Action item for text time: add your requirements to the agenda for your next team meeting to make sure they’re addressed

November 19, 2019

  • Introduction
  • Identifying goals


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