
Student Support Services and Office of Student Success

Hannah Castor

Man standing in front of display case with information about Student Support Services.
Larry Scott, former Disability Services Coordinator for Student Support Services

During 1979, Dr. Ronnie Carter was the Principal Investigator rewriting the grant proposal for what was known as Student Support Services. There is a grant renewal every four years, and “[t]he rewritten proposal and an updated budget were submitted to the Department of Education in Washington early in December, 1979” (Project Narrative). Funding for this program comes from the U.S. Congress. During 1980, faculty recommended that tutors sit in for classes they tutor, and Winston Baker became Counselor for Special Services on November 19, 1980. Many staff members visited Sinclair College in 1981 to gather ideas for the program, and Connie Gant (Advisor for Handicapped Students) went to Wright State University to gather more information for the program for handicapped students. The Project Narrative explains that “[t]here were 24 handicapped persons identified and accepted into the program during this fiscal year [1980-81].”

Black and White portrait of man with glasses, mustache, and a suit and tie.
Ron Carter, 1988


During 1981, “[o]ne of the major concerns of the program at this time was establishing our students as economically disadvantaged and providing proof to that effect” (Project Narrative). The Student Handbook and the Tutor Handbook were both revised in 1981. A visit was made to Ball State University on July 24, 1981, to learn more about their Special Services program. Ideas for the Math/Writing and Reading Laboratories were also discussed during this year but not acted upon.

“Student Support Services [was] dedicated to increasing the retention and graduation rates of first generation students, low income students and students with disabilities by providing an academic, social and personal network that encourages excellence and promotes success through educational opportunities and the utilization of campus resources.”- Mission Statement for Student Support Services

Student Support Services programs include: Advising, Chi Alpha Epsilon, Counseling, Culture Events, Financial Literacy, Grant Aid, Learning Laboratory, Peer Mentoring, and Tutoring

“Student Support Services (S.S.S.) was a federally funded TRiO program through the U.S. Department of Education. S.S.S. provides a comprehensive support system for eligible students who show potential for success in college and who can benefit from individual help and encouragement. Student Support Services at Indiana University East was funded to serve 200 students a year.”


  • First-Generation College Student – Neither of the student’s parents has a four-year college degree.
  • Low Income Student – The student meets the program’s low-income guidelines.
  • Student with a Disability – The student has a documented disability.


Office of Student Success

As of Spring 2019, The Department of Student Support Services has ceased operations and many of the services will now be offered through the Office of Student Success and Academic Support Programs. Course-based assistance, including tutoring, will be provided by Academic Support Programs, while holistic student support will be provided by Success Coaches. As a result, the Office of Student Success will offer services for all students on campus, not just freshman. The Office of Student Success provides success coaches for campus-based students, student-athletes and online students. It also houses First-Year Seminar and the ScholarCorps service member for Twenty-First Century Scholars.




Special Services Program- Project Narrative- September 1980-August 1981. (2017.007, RG 1.07, Student Support Services) Indiana University East Archives. 


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