Preparing for Class

Checking Out Canvas

Visiting Canvas

Welcome to Canvas, IU Indianapolis’s (IUI) learning management system (LMS). Canvas includes most of the standard tools found in open source and commercial management systems (assignments, discussions, announcements, quizzes, syllabus, etc.) as well as enhanced tools and features for communication, collaboration, and assessment, including real-time web conferencing, a multimedia recorder, a Google Docs integration, outcomes and rubrics, and course analytics. This is where your instructors will be making announcements, storing course files, and posting important instructions on what you need to do for each class.

All IUI students, faculty, and staff can log into Canvas using their IUI credentials or an IUI Guest account. You can access Canvas at IUI from a web browser (on a computer, smartphone, or tablet) or via the mobile apps distributed by Instructure.

New to Canvas? Canvas FAQs

The Canvas Student Guides provide excellent how-to information for the Canvas learning management system. Check out these short Canvas videos and guides to help you with basic online course tasks.


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This work (Graduate School Indianapolis Onboarding by IU Graduate School Indianapolis) is free of known copyright restrictions.

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