Campus Re-entry Report

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Indiana University President Michael A. McRobbie announced in March 2020 the university-wide suspension of the majority of face-to-face operations, including in-person teaching and research. IU Kokomo began operating remotely mid-March.

Chancellor Susan Sciame-Giesecke and Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Mark Canada co-chaired re-entry efforts for IU Kokomo. They asked for representatives from across the campus to serve as chairs for sub-committees. (A list of all committee members can be found in Appendix I.) The Chancellor then sent a campus-wide email asking for volunteers to serve on one of the following sub-committees:

  • Athletics
  • Budget & Finance
  • Community Engagement & Advancement
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive Efforts
  • Enrollment
  • Faculty Re-entry Concerns
  • Health and Safety Concerns
  • Labs, Clinicals, Student Teaching issues
  • Hyflex Course Delivery
  • Library
  • Long-term Strategies
  • Marketing
  • Facilities and EHS
  • Research & Creative Activities
  • Staff Re-entry
  • Student Success and Re-entry, Retention/Engagement
  • UTIS

With the re-entry committee and sub-committees formed, the Chancellor gave committee chairs their charge, which included the following goals:

  • Identify the issues and opportunities we will face
  • Propose options for addressing those issues/opportunities
  • Develop action steps
  • Develop a timeline for implementation
  • Outline an approximate budget

Each sub-committee was given a more specific charge and was asked to submit a preliminary report by June 5, 2020. Sub-committee reports follow this overview. We understand that this is a fluid document and will likely need to be updated once our phased return to campus begins. Recommendations will also need to be re-visited should there be a resurgence of the COVID-19 virus.

Read the full report


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