
The 2020 Indiana University Kokomo Annual Report is a departure from our usual format. Mainly due to the fact that 2020 was anything but a usual year. Academic and administrative units had to think creatively to map plans that allowed them fulfill their mission to serve our students in the best possible way. We could not take a cookie-cutter approach to pivoting to working and teaching remotely.

Likewise, this report does not take a uniformed approach either. Individual units designed their own ways of continuing the work of the University, and their reports detailing those efforts are individualized as well. In addition to the hard work dealing with the changes that COVID-19 required, departments also celebrated highlights from 2020.

While 2020 turned things upside down, Indiana University Kokomo is stronger for having gone through the challenges.


Indiana University Kokomo Annual Report 2020 Copyright © by Indiana University Kokomo. All Rights Reserved.

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