1. Mission
Welcome to the IU Kokomo Library! We are excited to have you on our team. Student employees are vital in keeping our Library running smoothly. The Library’s student employment program will provide students with the skills needed to support the Library’s mission. We will provide a positive work environment to enhance the IU Kokomo experience and the opportunity to cultivate life-long learning.
The mission of the Library is to provide the collections, services, and environments to support and strengthen the teaching, learning, and research mission of Indiana University Kokomo.
Library student workers fit into this mission in two ways. As an employee of the Library, you are expected to uphold a level of professionalism and customer service that makes fulfilling this commitment to the entire IU Kokomo community possible.
Secondly, the professional skills you will develop while working at the Library are seen as a fulfillment of this commitment to you. Your work in the Library will supplement your education and overall IU Kokomo experience. As a Library employee, you will gain valuable knowledge which will benefit you beyond graduation.