Recording User Questions
Each and every time that you answer a question from a user approaching or calling the desk, you will fill out the Service Desk Questions data form.
- This is accessible via a shortcut on the circulation computer desktop, and you will receive log-in credentials upon hiring.
- Recording this information helps the library determine how we can provide the best possible service for our users.
- Select the appropriate categories on the data form, including Patron Type, Question Type, Question Length, and Question Topic (Known Item Search, Research, or Other as defined on form).
- Enter a Brief Description of the question in the open-text field. This can be simple (“printing” or “IUCAT” or “reserves“) or more complex (“scheduling question directed to advising,” “tried to locate print book via IUCAT but couldn’t find it – located and requested in SRCS instead.”)
(This video is being updated summer 2023.)
Don’t hesitate to loop in the librarian sitting at the Research Help Desk or refer the user to library faculty or staff for a more accurate or complete answer.
Online catalog of all materials owned by Indiana University Libraries
Materials that are placed for use by faculty/staff members. Items on reserve: textbooks or other course materials provided by faculty for students to use for a short period of time (usually 2 hours) and typically only for in-library use; headphones; charging cables; whiteboard materials; laptops; Blu-Ray drive; digital camera and video camera; drawing tablet; keyboard; podcast kit; and other items. Certain items are for faculty use only, and all items have a shortened loan period. Exact details are on the Canvas page and in the Reserves binder. The Reserves are located on the bottom right shelf behind the circulation desk, bottom left shelf (for cables and whiteboard materials), in the drawer labeled Headphones, and in the cabinet behind the Research Help Desk labeled Library Equipment.