Time Sheets
Time Sheets:
IU Kokomo uses electronic time sheets for hourly employees to record the hours worked. Student Assistants can access Kuali Time through one.iu.edu.
Student Assistants are to clock in at either of the two circulation computers. In the event the system is down or if you have any problems, contact the Access Services Supervisor. Do not clock in for your shifts on your cell phones.
Student Assistants may have multiple jobs assigned to them while working for the IU Kokomo Library. Please make sure you are clocking in under the correct assignment. In Kuali Time, click on the Person Tab. Use the jobs drop down. There will be a date when the job was assigned and a description. If you are unsure, please ask before you clock in.
IU Kokomo policy limits all part-time employees to 25 work hours per week. Student Assistants must be aware of how many hours they have worked and notify the Access Services Supervisor before reaching 25 hours in a single week. A single week is Sunday through Saturday. Student Assistants who work more than one job on campus must add all hours worked at all jobs towards the 25 hours limit.
Student Assistants may not work during their classes; doing so is a reason for loss of employment and financial aid. Student Assistant class schedules are requested periodically for scheduling purposes. If changes are made, Student Assistants need to inform the Access Services Supervisor.
Inclement Weather:
The Dean of the Library and Access Services Supervisor will monitor the travel status from theĀ Indiana Department of Homeland Security.
- Library student assistants unable to make it to work, due to inclement weather, must notify the Access Services Supervisor.
- If the library student assistant is not able to confirm that the Access Services Supervisor received the notification, contact the Dean of the Library.
- Library student assistants must also inform their scheduled coworker(s) of their inability to make it to work.
- If there is a student who arrived to work but does not have the key, please contact Physical Plant (765-455-9273) to unlock the door for you.
Please read the IU Policy HR-11-20 Adverse Weather