Weekend Tasks
When the Library is closed on the weekends:
If the Library will be closed during the weekend, all weekend tasks should be completed on Friday. This includes the summer session.
Student Assistants are responsible for checking the accuracy of the analog clocks in the library. These clocks are set according to the time displayed on the Circulation Desk computers. If a clock has stopped, replace the battery and check again before the end of your shift. If it appears to be malfunctioning, report this issue to the Administrative Assistant.
Entrance Key:
One of the Student Assistants working a weekend shift must check out the entrance key to unlock the employee entrance door. Student Assistants working a weekend shift together should communicate with each other to determine who will be responsible for checking out the key.
While on the floor, a Student Assistant needs to weed the newspapers. Organize the papers by date, placing the most current on top of the stack. Discard papers that are older than one month. Give newspapers with a ‘give to Archivist’ sticker to Brenna for processing. Place discarded newspapers in the large blue recycle bin in the circulation area. Shelve according to green card.
During at least one of your floor hours, take the time to dust off the shelves on either the first or second floors.
Forms in desk drawer:
Check the desk drawer to make sure that there are at least two of each form in every folder. If there are empty folders or only one form left, send an email to the Access Services Supervisor with the name of the form/folder to request additional copies.
Laptops and iPads:
During the first and third weekends of the month, plug-in and turn on all laptops, iPads, and the Nintendo Switch so that they are charged and receive updates. Report any issues to the Access Services Supervisor. Note: you do not need to charge or update the Chromebooks.