
24 Temporary Leave Policy

Faculty understand that sometimes unplanned and unavoidable medical/personal issues arise, which may prohibit a student’s ability to continue with clinical experience courses safely and effectively.  At any time during the program, a student may withdraw from the program or clinical course.  If a student chooses to take medical leave, they must immediately contact the Program Director and Clinical Coordinator.  At no time should a student contact a clinical site to make personal arrangements to return to clinic, change prescheduled clinical hours, or work while under a physician’s care with limiting restrictions.

Limiting restrictions include, but are not limited to:

  • Sitting
  • Standing
  • Walking
  • Lifting
  • Carrying
  • Pushing
  • Pulling

Subsequent readmission to the program would be based on the following:

 Temporary Withdrawals (as stated in the Student Program Handbook)

  • The student must be in good standing in the program at the time of withdrawal. The student must arrange, in writing, a continuation agreement with the Program Director. This agreement will state the duration of the withdrawal and any conditions the student will be required to meet prior to readmission.  The student will be readmitted in accordance with the agreement.  If the student does not follow the agreement, they will be reclassified as a student who has permanently withdrawn and will fall under the “Other Withdrawals” identified below.  It should be noted that the timing of the resumption of clinical coursework may depend on the availability of clinical space at the expected time of reentry and may not follow the original clinical schedule given to the student.
  • Clinical Re-entry Period – A student who temporarily withdraws from the clinical course sequence is required to resume clinical activities prior to officially continuing in the clinical course sequence. This period is called the “Clinical Reentry Period” and allows the student to refresh clinical skills. Enrollment in a Clinical Reentry Course is required. A tentative starting date for the clinical reentry period must be determined at the time of withdrawal. A clinical placement spot will be held for the student if an open spot exists. If the student changes the date of reentry or fails to schedule a reentry meeting, no guarantee of clinical reentry will be made.

Other Withdrawals (as stated in Student Program Handbook)

  • A student who withdraws without a continuation agreement or does not enroll for an academic session will not be allowed further enrollment in the program. If the student subsequently wishes to reenroll, they will be required to file a new application for admission. The student may request readmission but is not guaranteed advanced standing in the program based on previous coursework completed.


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