Introduction to Diagnostic Sonography Clinical Student Handbook
Welcome to your clinical experience as a Diagnostic Sonography student in the Radiologic and Imaging Sciences Programs at Indiana University School of Medicine.
The purpose of this handbook is to identify and explain necessary policies, procedures, and expectations for the satisfactory completion of each semester’s clinical experience while enrolled in the program.
The student is responsible for familiarizing themselves with the policies and procedures within this handbook. In addition, the student should also be aware that policies submitted as written are subject to change. Policies can be amended, removed, or suspended at the program faculty’s discretion. As a result, the student must complete an attestation confirming their understanding of the contents each semester.
Clinical rotations are where students apply what they have learned in the classroom and throughout the program. As the student progresses throughout the program, they will perform examinations more independently. As the student approaches the end of the program, they will have gained the knowledge and ability to perform all procedures performed in a general or acute care hospital or office practice.