
3 Faculty and Staff

IUS Lake in the fall

Personnel SummaryFaculty by DisciplineFaculty Senate and Committees

Personnel Summary

Academic Full-Time 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023
Professor 52 52 51 56 59
Associate Professor 60 60 61 61 62
Assistant Professor 46 51 44 39 32
Librarians 7 7 7 5 6
Senior Lecturer 28 29 30 22 16
Lecturer 21 19 16 16 14
Other 1 1 0 0 0
Total 215 219 209 199 189


Academic Part-Time 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023
Professor 1 0 0 0 1
Associate Professor 0 0 1 1 0
Lecturer 229 234 193 205 182
Instructor 0 0 0 0 0
Librarian 1 1 0 0 0
Other 1 0 2 0 0
Total 231 235 196 206 183


Staff 2018/2019 2019/2020 2020/2021 2021/2022 2022/2023
Full-Time 219 229 210 199 186
Part-Time 137 134 93 91 105
Student Worker 222 263 134 147 189
Work Study 77 73 30 55 29
Total 655 699 467 492 509

Note: These data include visiting faculty and Chancellor Emeritus.
Note: These data include regular and temporary employees.

Faculty by Discipline

2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
English 13 14 13 14 9
Fine Arts 9 9 9 10 9
French 1 1 1 1 1
German 1 1 1 1 1
Journalism 3
Music 4 4 5 5 4
Philosophy 3 2 2 2 2
Spanish 3 3 3 3 3
Speech/Comm. 8 7 7 6 5
Theatre 5 4 4 3 3
ARTS & LETTERS TOTAL 47 45 45 45 40
Business 29 29 29 28 27
Economics 4 4 4 4 4
BUSINESS TOTAL 33 33 33 32 31
EDUCATION TOTAL 26 27 24 22 21
Allied Health 0 0 0 0 1
Biology 13 13 13 13 10
Chemistry 8 10 8 8 8
Computer Science 7 7 7 7 7
Geosciences 5 5 5 4 4
Informatics 2 2 2 2 2
Mathematics 12 12 9 9 9
Physics 2 2 2 2 2
NURSING TOTAL 14 15 13 14 12
Criminal Justice 5 5 6 6 5
History & International Studies 4 5 4 5 4
Journalism 3 4 4 2
Mental Health Counseling 0 0 2 2 2
Political Science & International Studies 5 5 4 4 4
Psychology 11 11 11 11 11
Sociology 5 5 5 5 4
TOTAL DIV. FAC. 202 206 197 193 177

NOTE: Totals derived from fall HR Census and includes academic full-time faculty except for Executive Management, ILTE and Library.

Note: Journalism moved from Social Sciences to Arts & Letters in 2022-23.


Faculty Senate Members

Joe Wert, President




Arts & Letters (6 Senators)

  • Rebecca Carlton (in year 2)
  • Leslie Doyle (in year 1)
  • Michael Hutchins (in year 2)
  • Brittny Kempfer (in year 1)
  • Barbara Kutis (in year 2)
  • Rebekkah Meixner-Hanks (in year 1)


Business (5 Senators)

  • David Baird (in year 2)
  • Chris Cox (in year 2)
  • Patrick Lach (in year 2)
  • Arun Srinivasan (in year 2)
  • Saeed Tajdini (in year 2)


Education (3 Senators)

  • Mary Bradley (in year 2)
  • Bradford Griggs (in year 1)
  • Steffany Maher (Fall 2022 for Jacque Singleton in year 2)


Library Services (1 Senator)

  • Melanie Hughes (Fall 2022 for Courtney Block in year 2)


Natural Sciences (6 Senators)

  • Pamela Connerly (in year 2)
  • Kent Edmonds (in year 1)
  • Jan Fleischer (in year 1)
  • Clint Franklin (in year 2)
  • Jennifer Lathem (in year 2)
  • Elizabeth Rueschhoff (in year 2)


Nursing (2 Senators)

  • Tonya Broughton (in year 1)
  • Jennifer Teater (in year 2)


Social Sciences (5 Senators)

  • Bernadette Jessie (for Kimberly LaFollette in year 2)
  • Todd Manson (in year 1)
  • Greg Phipps (in year 1)
  • Robert Rennie (in year 1)


Adjunct Faculty (2 Senators)

  • Glenda Hott
  • Sue Kochenrath





  • Kelly Ryan, Interim Chancellor
  • Uric Dufrene, Interim Exec VC Academic Affairs
  • Dana Wavle, VC Administration & Finance
  • Joe Glover, Interim VC Advancement & Alumni
  • Amanda Stonecipher, VC Enrollment     Management & Student Affairs


Deans – Ex-Officio Faculty

  • Jim Hesselman  – Arts & Letters
  • David Eplion – Business
  • Faye Camahalan – Education
  • Kate Moore Ziady- Library
  • Elaine Haub – Natural Sciences
  • Karen Clark – Nursing
  • Meghan Kahn – Social Sciences


Other Non-Voting Members

  • Brittany Schmidt, Staff Council President
  • Rebecca Turner, Academic Advising
  • Dannon Olsen, SGA President
  • Bernadette Jessie, Univ. Faculty Council
  • Rebecca Carlton, Univ. Faculty Council


Faculty Senate Committees

Academic Assessment

(3-Year Term, School- or Department-Elected)

    1. Arts & Letters – Emily Sheehan (in 1/3)
    2. Business – Ranida Harris (in 1/3)
    3. Education – Rachel Star (in 1/3)
    4. Library – Maria Accardi (in 1/3), Chair
    5. Natural Sciences – Suranga Hettiarachchi (in 3/3)
    6. Nursing – Janice McMahan (in 2/3)
    7. Social Sciences – Quinn Dauer (in 1/3)
    8. Ex-Officio – Interim Executive Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs – Uric Dufrene
    9. Ex-Officio – Director, Office of Institutional Effectiveness – Ron Severtis
    10. Student


Academic Policies

(2-Year Term, School- or Department-Elected)

  1. Programs & Academic Calendar:
      1. Arts & Letters – Michael Hutchins (in 1/2), Chair
      2. Business – Chris Cox (in 2/2)
      3. Education – Mary Bradley (in 1/2)
      4. Library – Melanie Hughes (in 2/2)
      5. Natural Sciences – Christopher Lang (in 1/2)
      6. Nursing – TBD
      7. Social Sciences – Jean Abshire (in 2/2)
      8. Ex-Officio – Interim Executive Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs – Uric Dufrene
      9. Ex-Officio – Director, Academic Advising – Rebecca Turner
  2. APC Courses:
      1. Arts & Letters – Sam Earley (in 1/2)
      2. Business – Chris Cox (in 2/2)
      3. Education – Mary Bradley (in 1/2)
      4. Library – Maria Accardi (in 2/2)
      5. Natural Sciences – Kagna Sampson (in 1/2), Chair
      6. Nursing – Linda Wells-Freiberger (in 1/2)
      7. Social Sciences – Yu Shen (in 1/2)
      8. Ex-Officio – Director, Academic Advising – Rebecca Turner
  3. Arts & Sciences Coordinating (APC Members):
      1. Arts & Letters – Michael Hutchins (in 1/2)
      2. Natural Sciences – Christopher Lang (in 1/2)
      3. Social Sciences – Jean Abshire (in 2/2)


Adjunct Faculty

(1-Year Term, Senate-Elected)

  1. Chair – Charles Pooser (in 1/1)
  2. Arts & Letters – Ann Niren & Steve Bowman
  3. Business – TBD
  4. Education – Glenda Hott
  5. Natural Sciences – Tamara Ibrahim
  6. Nursing – TBD
  7. Social Sciences – Linda Greenwell


Budgetary Affairs

(3-Year Term, School- or Department-Elected)

  1. Arts & Letters – Charles Pooser (in 3/3)
  2. Business – Patrick Lach (in 1/3), Chair
  3. Education – Doyin Coker-Kolo (in 1/3)
  4. Library – Melanie Hughes (in 3/3)
  5. Natural Sciences – Chris Kimmer (in 1/3)
  6. Nursing – Julia Mattingly (in 1/3)
  7. Social Sciences – Robert Rennie (in 2/3)
  8. Adjunct Faculty – Erv Klein
  9. Ex-Officio – Vice Chancellor, Administrative Affairs – Dana Wavle


Faculty Affairs

(2-Year Term, School- or Department-Elected)

  1. Arts & Letters – Jeff Perry (in 1/2)
  2. Business – David Baird (in 1/2), Chair
  3. Education – Shifa Podikunju-Hussain (in 2/2)
  4. Library – Maria Accardi (in 1/2)
  5. Natural Sciences – John Doyle (in 1/2)
  6. Nursing – Rosalind Williams (in 1/2)
  7. Social Sciences – Greg Phipps (in 2/2)
  8. Adjunct Faculty – Ann Niren
  9. Ex-Officio – UFC Faculty Affairs Committee member – Thomas Horine


Faculty Board of Review

(1-Year Term, Senate-Elected)

  1. Ron Allman
  2. Saeed Tajdini
  3. James Hollenbeck
  4. Mary Bradley
  5. Sara Hare


    1. Eric Schansberg
    2. Yan He
    3. Deb Clem
    4. Bernadette Jessie
    5. John Doyle


Faculty Conduct

(2-Year Term, Senate-Elected)

  1. Michael Hutchins (in 2/2)
  2. Jim Hollenbeck (in 2/2)
  3. Elizabeth Gritter (in 2/2)
  4. Cathy Johnson (in 1/2)
  5. Rebekkah Meixner-Hanks (in 1/2)


    1. Chris Lang (in 2/2)
    2. Tiffany Carbonneau (in 2/2)
    3. Mindy Badia (in 1/2)
    4. Brian Harper (in 1/2)
    5. Christopher Proctor (in 1/2)


Faculty Senate Executive Committee

(1-Year Term, Senate President and Two Senate-Elected)

  1. Joe Wert, Faculty Senate President
  2. Beth Rueschhoff
  3. Arun Srinivasan
  4. Kelly Ryan, Interim Chancellor
  5. Uric Dufrene, Interim Executive Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs


Gender Studies Advisory

(2-Year Term, Senate-Elected)

  1. Faculty – Barb Kutis (in 1/2)
  2. Faculty – Veronica Medina (in 1/2), Chair
  3. Faculty – Alex Sousa (in 1/2)
  4. Faculty – Cathy Johnson (in 2/2)
  5. Professional Staff – Leigh Ann Meyer (in 2/2)
  6. Ex-Officio – Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs – Donna Dahlgren
  7. Ex-Officio – Coordinator of Gender Studies – Leigh Viner


General Education

(2-Year Term, School- or Department-Elected)

  1. Arts & Letters – Susan Popham (in 1/2), Chair
  2. Business – Ranida Harris (in 1/2)
  3. Education – Sarah Sehlinger (for Neil Brewer in 2/2)
  4. Library – Mitchell Scott (Fall 2022 for Courtney Block in 2/2)
  5. Natural Sciences – Phillip Miller (in 2/2)
  6. Nursing – Shelby Landis (Fall 2022 in 1/2)
  7. Social Sciences – Margot Morgan (in 2/2)
  8. Ex-Officio – Interim Executive Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs – Uric Dufrene
  9. Ex-Officio – Representative from Office of Institutional Effectiveness – Sara Spalding
  10. Student


Honors Council

(2-Year Term for Members, Director is the Chair)

  1. Arts & Letters – Natalie Bowman (in 1/2)
  2. Business – Kathleen Arano (in 1/2)
  3. Education – Doyin Coker-Kolo (in 1/2)
  4. Library – Christopher Proctor (in 1/2)
  5. Natural Sciences – Heather Larson (in 1/2)
  6. Nursing – Shelby Landis (in 1/2)
  7. Social Sciences – Brittany Sizemore (in 1/2)
  8. Ex-Officio – Dean for Research – Lisa Hoffman
  9. Director of Honors Program – Rebekah Dement, Chair
  10. Student


Improvement of Learning

(2-Year Term, School- or Department-Elected)

  1. Arts & Letters – Amy Zink (in 1/2)
  2. Business – Elizabeth Reisz (in 1/2)
  3. Education – Kelli Bernedo (for Sumreen Asim in 2/2)
  4. Library – Christopher Proctor (in 1/2)
  5. Natural Sciences – Jennifer Lathem (in 1/2)
  6. Nursing – Christie Clare (in 2/2)
  7. Social Sciences – Aimee Adam (in 1/2), Chair
  8. Ex-Officio – Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs – Donna Dahlgren
  9. Ex-Officio – FACET Liaison – Sridhar Ramachandran
  10. Ex-Officio – Director of ILTE – Greg Kordsmeier
  11. Student


Information Technology

(2-Year Term, School- or Department-Elected)

  1. Arts & Letters – Rebecca Carlton (in 2/2)
  2. Business – Ranida Harris (for Chad Snow in 2/2)
  3. Education – Bradford Griggs (in 1/2)
  4. Library – Melanie Hughes (in 2/2)
  5. Natural Sciences – Chris Kimmer (in 2/2), Chair
  6. Nursing – Jane Hollowell (in 1/2)
  7. Ex-Officio – Director, Library Services – Kate Moore Ziady
  8. Ex-Officio – Executive Director, Information Technology – Lee Staton



(3-Year Term, School- or Department-Elected)

  1. Arts & Letters – Jeff Perry (in 1/3)
  2. Business – Casey Watson (in 2/3)
  3. Education – Bradford Griggs (in 1/3)
  4. Natural Sciences – Cindy Light (in 2/3)
  5. Nursing – Jane Hollowell (in 1/3)
  6. Social Sciences – Elizabeth Gritter (in 3/3), Chair
  7. Ex-Officio – Director, Library Services – Kate Moore Ziady
  8. Student
  9. Student



(1-Year Term, Senate President and Two Senate-Elected)

  1. Joe Wert, Faculty Senate President
  2. Rebecca Carlton
  3. Jan Fleischer


Research & Grants

(2-Year Term, School- or Department-Elected)

  1. Arts & Letters – Alexandra Sousa (in 1/2)
  2. Business – Patrick Lach (in 1/2)
  3. Education – Alan Zollman (in 2/2)
  4. Library – Melanie Hughes (Fall 2022 for Courtney Block in 2/2)
  5. Natural Sciences – Sridhar Ramachandran (in 1/2), Chair
  6. Nursing – Carla Hermann (in 2/2)
  7. Social Sciences – Sara Walsh (in 2/2)
  8. Ex-Officio – Dean for Research – Lisa Hoffman


    1. Arts & Letters – Emily Sheehan (in 1/2)
    2. Business – Saeed Tajdini (in 2/2)
    3. Education – Sarah Sehlinger (for Sumreen Asim in 2/2)
    4. Library – Melanie Hughes (in 2/2)
    5. Natural Sciences – Kent Edmonds (in 1/2)
    6. Nursing – Julia Mattingly (in 1/2)
    7. Social Sciences – Sara Hare (in 2/2)


Senate Parliamentarian

(1-Year Term, Senate-Elected)

  1. Michael Hutchins


Student Recruitment & Retention

(3-Year Term, Nominated)

  1. Lisa Book (in 1/3)
  2. Tammy Voigt (in 2/3)
  3. Rebecca Carlton (in 3/3)
  4. Victor Waingeh (in 1/3)
  5. Suparna Mukhopadhyay (in 1/3)
  6. Heather Larson (in 1/3), Chair
  7. Aimee Adam (in 2/3)
  8. Shelby Landis (in 2/3)
  9. Ex-Officio – Associate Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs – Donna Dahlgren
  10. Ex-Officio – Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management and Student Affairs – Amanda Stonecipher
  11. Student
  12. Student


Study Abroad & Global Awareness

(2-Year Term, School- or Department-Elected)

  1. Arts & Letters – Yunmi Choi (in 1/2), Chair
  2. Business – Kathleen Arano (in 2/2)
  3. Education – Shifa Podikunju-Hussain (in 1/2)
  4. Library – Mitchell Scott (in 1/2)
  5. Natural Sciences – Suparna Mukhopadhyay (in 1/2)
  6. Nursing – Carla Hermann (in 1/2)
  7. Social Sciences – Valerie Scott (in 1/2)
  8. Academic Advising – Cassandra Davis (in 2/2)
  9. Ex-Officio – Director of SAGA – Anne Allen
  10. Ex-Officio – Faculty Diversity Coordinator, Academic Affairs – Sau Hou Chang
  11. Ex-Officio – Director of Recruitment and Admissions – Chris Crews



(2-Year Term, School- or Department-Elected)

  1. Arts & Letters – Charles Nasby (in 1/2), Chair
  2. Business – Arun Srinivasan (in 1/2)
  3. Education – Bradford Griggs (in 1/2)
  4. Library – Mitchell Scott (in 1/2)
  5. Natural Sciences – Randy Hunt (in 1/2)
  6. Nursing – Linda Wells-Freiberger (in 1/2)
  7. Social Sciences – Veronica Medina (in 1/2)
  8. Ex-Officio – Executive Director of Facility Operations – Rob Poff
  9. Student


University Faculty Council Representative

(1-Year Term, Senate-Elected)

  1. Rebecca Carlton
  2. Bernadette Jessie


Administrative Committees

Campus Budgetary Advisory Group (CBAG)

  1. Uric Dufrene, Co-chair
  2. Ashley McKay, Co-chair
  3. Mindy Badia
  4. Sarah Barber
  5. Courtney Block
  6. Christy Burge
  7. Faye Camahalan
  8. Stephanie Chastain
  9. Karen Clark
  10. Katherine Clark
  11. Michelle Clements
  12. Chris Crews
  13. Donna Dahlgren
  14. David Eplion
  15. Bradford Griggs
  16. Alexandra Hall
  17. Elaine Haub
  18. Kyle Hawkins
  19. Jim Hesselman
  20. Lisa Hoffman
  21. Meghan Kahn
  22. Heather Larson
  23. Janice McMahan
  24. Ryan Norwood
  25. Charles Pooser
  26. Kennedy Reichmuth
  27. Sarah Ruff
  28. Brittany Schmidt
  29. Ron Severtis
  30. Joe Wert
  31. D’ Andrea Williams
  32. Kate Ziady

Student Life Committee

  1. Amanda Stonecipher
  2. Jolena Lavene
  3. Rebecca Carlton
  4. Sarah Barger
  5. Breanna Doss
  6. Ericia Henry
  7. Keregyn Masterson
  8. Cayla Maurer
  9. Summer Messer
  10. Dannon Olsen
  11. Sridhar Ramachandran
  12. Diane Reid
  13. Hannah Shaffer
  14. Chelsi Sloan
  15. Christine Thomas


Diversity Council

  1. Seuth Chaleunphonh (Coordinator)
  2. Sau Hou Chang (Coordinator)
  3. James Wilkerson (Coordinator)
  4. Donna Albrecht (Faculty)
  5. Kelli Bernedo (Faculty)
  6. Ranida Harris (Faculty)
  7. Cathy Johnson (Faculty)
  8. Julia Mattingly (Faculty)
  9. Kimberly Pelle (Faculty)
  10. Sridhar Ramachandran (Faculty)
  11. Valerie Scott (Faculty)
  12. Kok Cheow Yeoh (Faculty)
  13. Mary Patterson (Staff)
  14. Gregory Roberts (Staff)
  15. Shane Thomas (Staff)
  16. D’Andrea Williams (Staff)
  17. Josiah Pohl (Student)
  18. Sabrina Rashid (Student)
  19. Kelly Ryan (Interim Chancellor)


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