
Appendix 1: Suggestions for Faculty CVs for Promotion and/or Appointment to Long-Term Contract

General Suggestions

  1. Dated entries should be in reverse chronological order in each section.
  2. Non-dated entries should generally be in alphabetical or alpha-numeric order.
  3. Short narrative passages are acceptable (and even encouraged) to contextualize contributions in a particular area.
  4. Your area of excellence should be the first section after Section 3 below.


  1. Include page numbers!
  2. Use 1-inch margins on all four sides.
  3. Use the same 12-point font throughout the document. (The only exception may be some larger headings.)
  4. Headings should be bolded.
  5. Use the tab bar to create indented content (rather than individual spaces or tables).
  6. Single-space each section but leave enough white space so text can be read easily.
  7. Use of a pre-formatted CV template is not recommended.


1. Personal information

  • name in larger font, bolded
  • school address, phone, e-mail
  • home address, phone, if desired

2. Education

  • Degrees, diplomas (name of degree/diploma)
    • Major (minors if desired)
    • School, date
    • Dissertation title/research advisor or major teachers
  • Other certificates/kinds of study

3. Academic and other employment

  • Indiana University positions (titles, dates)
  • Other university positions
    • (tenure CVs could include graduate school teaching and adjunct positions, if desired)
  • Other kinds of teaching
    • Summer camps/festivals/music programs
      • Invited short-term teaching at other schools/musical organizations
  • Other kinds of educational employment

For sections 4, 5, and 6:

Include all activities prior to date of hire, including work at other schools or musical organizations.

4. Teaching

  • List of courses taught Sample format: MUS T151, Music Theory and Literature I (3 cr.)
  • Curriculum development (courses you have developed or significantly revised and/or development or revision of degrees, minors, certificates, etc.)
  • Pedagogical publications, compositions, and arrangements,  including instructional materials of any sort
  • Guest master classes/clinics/lectures (if long-term or recurring, could go under Teaching Experience). Format should be consistent within each category.
  • Doctoral advisory/research committees
    • Names of students and their degrees; position on the committee (chair, research director, minor field representative, etc.)
    • If relevant, include titles of dissertations/documents
  • Teaching awards/grants
  • Student awards and accomplishments
  • Independent studies

5. Research/Creative activity in Support of Teaching

  • Publications (books, book chapters, articles, compositions, etc.)
  • Performances (including performances of compositions, choreography, conducting, etc.)
  • Work in progress/under editorial review
  • Invited papers/presentations
  • Discography: CDs/video or other media
  • Research grants/awards
  • Reviews/citations of research/creative activity

Entries should be consistent within each category. For example for a performance:

Title of Work, Composer



City, State

6. Service in Support of Teaching

  • Service to the Profession
  • Service to the University/Campus
  • Service to the School
  • Service to the Department
  • Service to the Community

Entries within each of the above categories may include:

  • Adjudication
  • Panels/conferences organized and coordinated
  • Editorial work, including reviewing
  • Service publications/performances

In each listing, include role, especially if chair of committee, chair of a department, officer in an organization, etc.

7. Additional categories, if desired:  memberships in professional organizations, special awards/honors, etc.

Further Suggestions:

For Research and Creative Activity listings, masterclasses/clinics, and pedagogical publications:

  • Make sure citation is complete (article name, journal title, date, page numbers, etc. or book title, publisher, date or CD/video citation, etc.).
  • Indicate importance of activity:  refereed/invited articles, conference presentations, etc. should be starred or listed separately.
  • Avoid repetition (listing several times separately the same paper presentation, performance, master class at the same place) by grouping together all instances of the same/similar activity and indicating a series of dates.
  • Do not list chronologically by year a series of ungrouped activities; group research/performances/compositions/masterclasses/pedagogical publications in some logical way:
    • Work in progress, published books/compositions, published articles….
    • Invited papers, refereed papers, etc.
    • Performances/masterclasses internationally, nationally, regional/state, local (all IU activities grouped together)
    • Performances could also be grouped by type of ensemble (e.g. solo, chamber, orchestral) or by repertoire (listed by composer)
  • Consider moving a lengthy list of performances to a separate appendix.
  • Look at all of your listings to see if the most important items are immediately apparent to a new reader.
  • Include citations and reviews of your work, if relevant, either with specific citations or electronic links. If there are extensive reviews, consider moving to a separate appendix.


Jacobs School of Music Long-Term Contract Handbook for Professors of Practice Copyright © by Jacobs School of Music. All Rights Reserved.